Friday, November 1, 2013

GST good for you, Muslims told in sermon

The Goods and Services Tax (GST), which will kick in from April 1, 2015, “will not be a burden to the people” but instead will strengthen the ummah’s (Muslim community) economy, as instructed by Allah, Muslims were told today.

In a sermon meant to be read out in mosques during Friday prayers earlier, Muslims were told that the GST is actually a way to reorganise the tax structure so it would be “more effective, fair, efficient and transparent”.

NONEThe sermon written by the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) and uploaded on its website, said that the GST and Budget 2014 are part of the government’s attempts to strengthen the Muslims’ hold on the economy. 

This, it said, would make it more difficult for others to “exploit or colonise” the Muslim community.

“Remember that the duty of strengthening the ummah’s economy is a duty to Allah, which will be measured in the afterlife. 

“Believe that fighting to strengthening economic control for the Muslim community is an Islamic obligation which our national leaders are fighting for.

“Abandoning this duty means weakening the economic position and dignity of Muslims and this will make it easier for us to be exploited and colonised by others,” the sermon reads.

‘Don’t make fun of government’s efforts’

As such, the sermon urged all believers to support the budget, which still needs to be passed in Parliament, and to ensure it is implemented properly. 

“(This includes) avoiding wastage and abuse in accordance with the Islamic obligation and government's intention to turn this nation into a developed and high income nation...

NONE“Spend according to our means, do not waste and control desires to overspend,” it reads.

The sermon also congratulated Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak for tabling a “budget which puts the people’s interests first”.

This includes the extension of the Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M), bonus for civil servants, affordable housing and aid for childcare fees.

“Don’t expect the moon and stars to fall from the sky or be in awe of false impressions given by the enemy.

“Don’t belittle or make fun of the government’s noble efforts to defend and upraise the position of the ummah,” it reads.

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