Friday, November 29, 2013

Siti Aishah jumpa kakaknya...


Pertemuan kakak dan adik 

malam tadi  disatu kota yang saya sendiri tak tahu

semua berjalan saperti dilancar

cik gu kamartelah bertemu dengan siti aishah

gumbira dan sedih - ini komen awal  dari cik gu kamar

ketika  ini cik gu kamar masih berehat dalam bilik - tukar tiub

Siti Aishah is sitting in the centre among a group of people, including children. Also in the photograph is her sister.According to the owner of the photograph Raja Ahmad Yusuf Raja Amzah, the photo was taken in the 60s during a Hari Raya celebration in Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan.

Chances of Siti Aishah returning slim...

After being disconnected for 30 years, Kamarmahtum Abdul Wahab, 73, and her 69-year-old sister Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab were reunited at undisclosed location in the UK yesterday.

The 30 minutes link up was arranged by the Scotland Yard and only the two long lost siblings were allowed to be in the secret location.

It is learnt that during the meeting, Kamarmahtum had requested Siti Aishah to write a letter for her family members back in Malaysia.

A media report stated that Kamarmahtum gave Aishah a prayer rug while Malaysian High Commissioner Zakaria Sulong confirmed the meeting and promised to aid Kamarmahtum with the case.

However, a source told FMT that chances of Aishah coming home is slim but insisted that “there is still hope”.
“There is still hope but chances are slim. Reason behind it can’t be disclosed,” the source said.

Meanwhile Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) national chairperson Dr Nasir Hashim when contacted questioned the sect’s leader Aravindan Balakrishan’s ideological beliefs and actions. He allegedly kept Aishah and two other women as slaves.

Nasir, an acupuncturist, said that Balarishnan who is better known as Comrade Bala had deviated from the real leftist Marxist-Leninist ideology.

“It should not happen because if you are a leftist you respect each other’s view,” he said.

“Leftist movement and struggle does not teach you to do that,” he said while adding that such an incident had never occurred in any left leaning organization in the world.

On Aishah staying with the group for 30 years and disconnecting herself from her family, Nasir said it was best not to speculate.

Nasir, who spent nine years in the United States, said that there must have been a reason why she stayed with the couple and only Aishah knew the answer.

“She is a bright woman and I respect her for what she believed. The left movement was so strong in the UK in the 60s and 70s,” he said.

“People come and go. So do leaders but she stayed with the group and there must be a reason why.

“I can’t speculate because I maybe wrong. Only she and Bala can answer it,” he said adding that he had never met Bala before.

Siti Aishah’s epilogue exploded when Hishamuddin Rais, a former student activist, first broke the story in his blog claiming that the woman being held captive by Comrade Bala in the UK was Aishah who disappeared in the 70s.

Hishamuddin who spent almost 20 years in London was first asked by Siti Aishah’s brother to locate her after she suddenly went out of radar.However the first attempt failed.-fmt

Pihak berkuasa tempatan di London masih belum memberikan akses kepada Kamar Mahtum untuk bertemu Siti Aishah. Gambar fail.

Peluang pertemuan Siti Aishah dengan kakaknya tipis.......

Polis Britain mendedahkan bahawa mereka baru sahaja memulakan siasatan dan menemubual ketiga-tiga wanita yang ditahan sebagai hamba di London selama 30 tahun itu hari ini.

Menurut laporan AFP, Polis Britain sebelum ini tidak dapat berhubung secara terus dengan ketiga-tiga wanita terbabit kerana masih menunggu kebenaran untuk menemubual daripada pakar trauma.

Komander Steve Rodhouse dari Polis Metropolitan London berkata, kesemua mangsa masih belum ‘ditemubual secara rasmi’ dan kerana itu, mereka masih belum memahami keseluruhan dan kebenaran tuduhan yang kini tersebar di media.

Beliau turut menambah bahawa ketiga-tiga mangsa kini berada di dalam jagaan pakar yang mempunyai pengalaman luas dalam menjaga individu yang mengalami trauma, dan nasihat daripada pakar amat diperlukan polis dalam menanggani kes ini.

AFP turut melaporkan bahawa sesi temubual telah dimulakan.

Media Britain pula melaporkan oleh kerana tidak mendapat rawatan ekoran strok merupakan punca wanita-wanita terbabit untuk ‘membebaskan’ diri dan memohon bantuan.

Polis Britain percaya bahawa ketiga-tiga wanita terbabit telah diindoktrinasi atau 'brainwash'dan kemungkinan didera secara fizikal namun bukan secara seksual.

Mereka juga dipercayai sesekali dibenarkan keluar dari rumah.

Polis kini sedang cuba untuk memahami “gari ghaib” yang digunakan untuk mengawal ketiga-tiga hamba tersebut.

Walau bagaimanapun Kamarmahtum Abdul Wahab bertemu dengan Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Malaysia di London, Datuk Seri Zakaria Sulong jam 4.30 petang waktu tempatan pada Rabu untuk berbincang kemungkinan bagi dia bertemu adiknya, Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab.

Bagaimanapun, peluang untuk bertemu dengan adiknya itu dilaporkan tipis dan alternatif bagi pertemuan ialah surat daripada Kamarmahtum yang akan disampaikan kepada Siti Aishah.

Editor Majalah AWANI, Zan Azlee Zainal Abidin yang merupakan anak saudara kepada Kamarmahtum berlepas ke London pada Selasa dalam misi percubaan bertemu dan kemungkinan membawa pulang Siti Aishah.

Siti Aishah, 69, merupakan salah seorang daripada tiga wanita yang diselamatkan polis Britain daripada terus menjadi mangsa perhambaan di sebuah rumah di Lambeth, London.

Siti Aishah dan dua lagi wanita terbabit – seorang warga British dan Ireland berusia 30 dan 57 masing-masing dilaporkan menjadi hamba oleh sepasang suami isteri yang juga merupakan sebahagian daripada mazhab Mao di Britain.-f/bk

Kin: London ‘slave’ Siti Aishah in hospital, rallying from stroke...

Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab is being treated in an undisclosed hospital after suffering a recent stroke following her rescue from a south London flat where she was purportedly enslaved for over 30 years by a communist radical, The Star Online reported today.

The news was relayed by a relative currently in London to Siti Aishah’s niece in Jelebu, Negri Sembilan, Siti Zawiyah Othman.

“We have also been told that my aunt is in a stable condition,” Siti Zawiyah was quoted as saying at her Kuala Klawang home in the Negri Sembilan district.

The 55-year-old niece told the news portal that the family does not know which hospital Siti Aishah is being warded in.

British authorities have been keeping a tight lid on the whereabouts of Siti Aishah and the two other woman who were rescued alongside the 69-year-old Malaysian in a police operation last month.

Siti Aishah’s elder sister Kamar Mahtum Abdul Wahab, 73, who flew to the British capital Monday night with former student activist Hishammuddin Rais and a reporter from The Daily Telegraph, is reportedly still waiting for clearance from the authorities to meet her long-lost sibling.

“Aunt Kamar Mahtum is scheduled to return to Malaysia on December 4. She needs time to be with Siti Aishah and convince her to come home as well,” Siti Zawiyah was quoted saying.

The Malaysian High Commission in London has also been pressing Britain for consular access to the woman, but has yet to be given permission.

In a statement today, Malaysia’s Foreign Ministry said its access to information on the case has also been limited due to restrictions under UK’s Data Protection Act 1998.

Yesterday, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar confirmed that Siti Aishah was the 69-year-old Malaysian woman who had been reported to have lived under three decades of domestic servitude with two other women, a 57-year-old Irish and a 30-year-old Briton, ending days of speculation following the shocking news report.

The leaders of the Maoist sect were reported to be India-born Aravindan Balakrishnan and his Tanzanian-Indian wife Chandra Pattni, who have since been arrested last Thursday after their three suspected captives were freed in a police operation earlier this month.

The three women were finally rescued on October 25 after one of them secretly contacted a British charity group, Freedom Charity, that had been featured on television.

The UK’s Daily Mail today reported the Irish woman to be Josephine Herivel, the daughter of World War II codebreaker John Herivel, who deciphered the Enigma code.

The youngest captive had been reported to be Rosie Davies, whose mother is said to be Sian Davies.

The elder Davies had also lived at another property owned by Balakrishnan and his wife, where she fell out of bathroom window in 1996 under mysterious circumstances and died from her injuries seven months later in 1997, aged 44.

Police said the three surviving women, who are believed to have been living in a flat in Brixton, London, were brainwashed and had reported being beaten, but did not appear to have been sexually abused.

They were occasionally allowed out of the house and detectives are working to understand the “invisible handcuffs” that were used to control them.-

'Aishah refused to return home, renounce beliefs'

Bandingkan akhlak Menteri Besar UMNO dengan PM Latvia...


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