Sunday, December 1, 2013

Trouble brewing in MIC veep race outcome

An SMS allegedly sent by a defeated vice presidential candidate questions the sudden increase of 77 ballot papers.
MALACCA: A vice-presidential candidate has questioned the sudden increase of 77 ballot papers which had caused a dent in his attempt to win one of the three vice-president’s slots in MIC.
Jaspal Singh, an early favourite to win the race, has found himself out of the top three after numerous recounts overnight, and has indicated that he would not accept the outcome.
Official results, after a total of four recounts, showed a comeback for former party leader S Sothinathan, followed by incumbent M Saravanan and surprise winner Johor Baru division chairman S Balakrishnan.
Even before the official results were announced, these three leaders were given place at the main dais for the opening ceremony of the MIC annual general meeting, officiated by Prime Minister and BN chairman Najib Tun Razak.
Sothinathan received 717 votes, while Saravanan came second with 716. Balakrishan received 683 votes to pip out Jaspal Singh who garnered 670 votes.
Former Youth chiefs SA Vigneswaran and T Mohan received 572 and 530 votes respectively. Incumbent vice president and Perak assembly speaker SK Devamany only managed to obtain 332 votes while Bukit Bintang deputy chief James CS Selvaraja finished last with 52 votes.
The voting took place yesterday but the results were not announced last night following requests for recounts from the candidates.
This morning the talk in the MIC AGM is that the four recounts saw an increase of 237 votes in all, prompting some candidates to question the electoral and counting process.
After the first counting, Jaspal had finished in the third spot, enabling him to be one of the three vice-presidents. The initial results showed Sothinathan had 686 votes , Saravanan (678), Jaspal (644) Balakrishan (640), Vigneswaran (555), Mohan (460 )and James Selvaraja (48).
However as a result of the final recount, Jaspal had finished fourth and he is not taking it easy.
This morning MIC delegates have received as SMS, ostensibly from Jaspal, telling them that he (Jaspal) was dissatisfied with the final results as there had been an increase in ballot papers.
The SMS stated that the total ballot papers in the first count was 1,346 but the number increased to 1,423 ballot papers after the fourth recount.
The text message was also forwarded to FMT read:
“My fellow supporters. I am unable to accept the election results. During the first count total voters were 4,032 meaning 1,346 ballot paper. All candidates signed the score sheet. We were all congratulating each other. Then when Bala asked for recount he had extra 27 votes. I asked for total ballot papers to be recounted and the count showed 1,423. Where did 77 more ballot papers came. This ballot papers could be put into box while we were celebrating the first result. How can I accept the recount when there are extra 77 ballot papers. Either call a re-election or standby the first result which was signed by all candidates. It’s indeed sad to see such an act. I thank you for your support. Regards Dato’ Jaspal.”
The official outcome is expected to be announced after Najib’s opening speech.
None of the vice presidential candidates were free to comment.

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