Thursday, December 26, 2013

UMNO'S 'SOLUTION' TO THE FLOODS! Give each affected family a TV set - Ahmad Shabery

UMNO'S 'SOLUTION' TO THE FLOODS! Give each affected family a TV set - Ahmad Shabery
KUANTAN - Communication and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek today said that the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) had been asked to work out a way to get a television each for families affected by the recent floods.
He said it would be carried out with the cooperation of the private sector and the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to ease the burden of flood victims.
"I have informed MCMC to look into ways of reducing the burden of flood victims, in an effort to rebuilt the family spirit, a television can help to bring family members together," he told reporters at a "Sentuhan Kasih" programme to raise funds for flood victims in Kuantan and Kemaman in Cherating here last night.
The government, he said, was concerned with the plight of those affected by the recent floods.
"MCMC will look into how we can get the fund to provide a television set for each of the 30,000 families," he said, adding that aid like, mattresses and stove had been given to the families concerned.
The floods which hit Kemaman and Kuantan forced more than 70,000 people to be evacuated to the relief centres. – Bernama

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