Sunday, January 26, 2014

Answers to the BIG question

If you follow the Bible you have to accept this - Dr Zakir Naik

This renowned scholar puts it out in such simple terms that you can't help but wish our religious authorities are half as eloquent, if not learned.

Dr Zakir Naik says it very clearly. Every main religion mentions God as Allah somewhere in their holy scriptures and books. It's not exclusive to the Quran.

To a certain small group, from among the hundreds of sects of Christianity, that demands the term 'Allah' in their Malay holy book, he sets a condition. 

He says Isa the prophet (Jesus Christ) cannot be God because he cried out to Allah when put on the cross. 

"We love him, we respect him but we don't worship him"- 2:01 

Me not a religious scholar. Listen to Dr Zakir Naik and think about it.


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