Sunday, January 26, 2014

Groups want 'Lord Bobo' punished for 'royal insult'

Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia has cited several right-wing NGO leaders urging action against Lord Bobo - a fictional monkey in a barrister's wig.

Lord Bobo is the official mascot of the NGO Loyar Burok which comprises of lawyers. The character is used to present the group's opinions.

In a news piece entitled "Action must be taken against Lord Bobo" today, Utusan quoted Perkasa information chief Muhammad Zahid Md Arip as saying that a recent article under the pseudonym Lord Bobo was insulting to the royal institution.

"The action shows respect towards the royal institution has diminished and more seriously, the columnist asked people not to respect the Agong," Muhammad Zahid (left in pic) was quoted as saying.

The article concerned is entitled 'Do we have to listen to the Agong?' which appeared as a weekly column where Lord Bobo responded to a query on the Agong's recent decree - in his capacity as Kedah sultan - that the word 'Allah' was exclusive to Muslims.

Lord Bobo, who addresses himself in the third person with a unique persona, had said: "His Supreme Eminenceness has said, written, breathed, sweated, and farted a lot about this issue in recent weeks...

"Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy. Malaysia is not an absolute monarchy. The rulers must abide by the federal constitution... if a decree by a ruler goes against the federal constitution, it is not legally binding".

According to the Loyar Burok website, Lord Bobo's full name is Lord Bobo Barnabus and is described as "The Wonder Typewriting Monkey" who exists solely in cyberspace. 
Lord Bobo is also credited as the "general chief editor".

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