Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jais raids Bible Society, seizes Malay Bibles

Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) today raided the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) and confiscated hundreds of copies of the Malay-language bibles found on the premises.

When contacted by Malaysiakini, BSM chairperson Lee Min Choon said the Islamic authorities took away 321 copies of the Malay Bible in 16 boxes, and two of the society's staff are expected to be charged.

He added 10 other bibles in the Iban language were confiscated as well.

The 15 Jais officers were aggressive and rude when they arrived at the office at about 1pm today, and tried to force open the premises' gate, said Lee.

“We don’t know what will happen, but I guess this is something to do with the 'Allah' word fiasco.

“We asked them to show a warrant and relevant documents, but they shouted at us… We allowed them to come in eventually, rather than to create a scene there,” he said.

Lee (far left) added that he was brought to Damansara Utama police station together with office manager Sinclair Wong.

Their secretary-general reverend Simon Wong followed them to the station to provide assistance.

The two were freed after about 90 minutes and instructed to report to Jais on Jan 10.

Bibles are for Borneo Christians

Meanwhile Malaysiakini is attempting to contact Jais and Selangor religious exco Sallehan Mukhyi over the matter.

Lee said later upon his release that the Bible copies were intended for Sabah and Sarawak Christians in East Malaysia and also the Malay-speaking Christians in the peninsula.

"There are about two million Christians in the country, and about half of them are Malay speaking," Lee said.

He also said that the publication of the bibles in no way contravened an agreement that the society already had with the federal government.

"Part of the 10-point solution is that Allah can be used in Bibles in the peninsula provided the cover says ‘Penerbitan Kristian’ (Christian publication), and we have complied with this," he said.

The seized copies are believed to be with Jais in their Shah Alam headquarters at the moment.

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