Sunday, January 26, 2014

TO DO THAT, YOU MUST FIRSTLY TALK SENSE! Umno must attract URBAN Malays, not just the rural folk - Najib

TO DO THAT, YOU MUST FIRSTLY TALK SENSE! Umno must attract URBAN Malays, not just the rural folk - Najib
Umno must be wise in evaluating the changing demographics and make adjustments to its policies to prevent the party from being rejected by urban society and seen only as a party for rural people, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (pic) said in Johor Baru today.
Najib, who is also Umno president, said rural support remained the core of the party, but at the same time, with migration and demographic changes, Umno should read and understand the changes to continue to gain support from the people no matter where they were.
"These changes must be carefully evaluated by Umno. Umno must do adjustments to its long-held policies and take new approaches and actions in stages at the division and branch levels. It is to get to know the heart and soul and support of our rural communities while at the same time not be rejected by the urban community.
"One of those who achieved this success (adapting to the changing scenario) is Tan Sri Shahrir Abdul Samad, and that was why in the last general election, although faced with a former four-star general from the opposition, I still placed Johor Baru as a 'white' seat and this was proven when the Johor Baru Umno chief (Shahrir) had no problems defending this parliamentary seat for Umno and the Barisan Nasional.
"Therefore, our strategy and approach to make this party 'laku' in urban areas can be accepted and welcomed by urbanites beside continuing to get the support of rural people," he said.
Najib said this when opening the Johor Baru Umno division's new building in in Taman Suria.
Over 5,000 people including Johor Baru MP Shahrir, who is also the division's chief, attended the event.
Also present were Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, MCA deputy president Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong and MIC vice-president Datuk S. Balakrishnan.
Najib said no matter how great a political party was, it could not assure its continued success if it did not adapt to changes.
"We cannot rely solely on history, but we must show that as a party that was born 68 years ago, we remain relevant, are suitable and the preferred choice of the people irrespective of location and situation.
"We must recognise and be aware that any party that does not adapt to the current environment despite how great it may be, how much good it has done, whatever the successes achieved, that party's position can still be threatened.
"Thankfully, Umno realised this and due to that, in the last (general) election, emerged as the strongest party when it successfully added (parliamentary) seats," he said.
At the same time, Najib also reminded Umno leaders to put the people first always to avoid being seen as selfish leaders.
"Do not put personal gain over the people. If there is a housing scheme or low-cost houses, do not try to grab them first, give them to the people first so that they can see that Umno is not a party for people to pursue their narrrow interests but is a party for the people and prioritises the people.
"This hallowed principle must be appreciated by us all the time," he said to resounding applause from  the gathered crowd.
Najib also expressed his confidence that Johor would continue to remain a stronghold of Umno and the Barisan Nasional( BN) in future elections despite the opposition trying to adopt various strategies to take over the state.
"They want to grab power and positions in Putrajaya, that's why they have to defeat Umno and BN in Johor, but I am confident with the leadership of the new BN chairman in Johor (Khaled Nordin) and assisted by veteran leaders like Tan Sri Shahrir, we will be able to defend this position," he added.
Meanwhile, Najib said the Finance Ministry spent almost RM22 billion yearly to subsidise RON95 fuel and that if this subsidy could be gradualised, the money saved could chanelled for more projects that would benefit people in the lower income groups.
"RM22 billion is a huge amount which can be used to build low-cost houses, imagine how many thousands of people in the lower income bracket will benefit.
"This is fairer to the people than giving subsidies to people who can afford to pay market rates for the fuel," he said. – Bernama

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