Monday, February 3, 2014

Everything seems racial, religious and sensitive

YOURSAY We can’t even criticise and condemn corruption, opulence, and stupidity.

Teresa Kok's CNY video stirs controversy

Onyourtoes: A few accusations were made on this video: it was insolent; it incited racial hatred and it undermined national harmony.

These accusations are too general to me. The accusers must be more specific. They must explain and elaborate in what ways the video was rude, incited racial hatred and undermined national harmony.

Since when discussing and mocking (‘satirising’) corruption and opulent living is rude? Since when criticising incompetency and gross abuse of power is inciting racial hatred?

And since when a group of citizens gathering to criticise national policies which affect everyone (Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans and Kadazans) is undermining racial harmony?

Which race is aggrieved? Which race is insulted? Particularly, in this video, which part of the Malay race and culture is insulted by the video?

Showing a political satire in a video is definitely different from FT Umno Youth chief Mohd Razlan Muhammad Rafii’s rogue game when he implicitly asked the people act rudely towards Seputeh MP Teresa Kok.

See the game being played now - we can’t even criticise and condemn corruption, opulence, extravagance, and stupidity. Everything is racial, religious, and sensitive.

WDA: Dear Umno Youth and BN-favouring Malay NGOs, please understand that criticising the PM’s wife, Rosmah, is not the same as criticising the entire Malay people.

A lot of Malays criticise Rosmah on a daily basis but why don't you take issue with them? Zunar does it frequently, who don't you guys ask him to apologise?

Why don't you threaten to be rude with him? Are you saying non-Malays have no right to criticise Rosmah and only Malays have this privilege? If this is the case, say it bluntly instead of beating around the bush.

At least be specific on what part of the video do you consider to be racist.

Even the PM can be subject to criticism by the people of the country, irrespective of race. Why should we give the ‘First Lady’ immunity from criticism?

Armchair Newspaper: Teresa Kok, we, the people, know about corruption, abuse of power, rising costs of living, bigotry and racism, poor governance and the hosts of other problems besetting our country.

That was why many of us voted for Pakatan at the last two elections, so that MPs like you can represent us and advance the cause of justice, equality and peace.

Your parody, as well as those emanating from Pakatan, is stale and unoriginal and frankly some of us are befuddled as to why Pakatan and DAP still can't rise above theses childish, basic and unoriginal themes.

Instead of repeating the not-so-original video parody and be obsessed with negative political culture and matching thuggish conduct from the other side, why can't you show better taste, finesse and culture?

A nine minute parody on the same old is tiresome and shows how shallow some of you are.

It is Chinese New Year, why can't you have a 90 second video promoting the theme of unity, peace and harmony that Malaysia sorely miss? I'm stumped.

Anonymous_4031: MCA president Liow Tiong Lai and MCA deputy president Wee Ka Siong should welcome this manna from the sky.

It is like a durian falling into your lap. Cherish the chance; get together your brothers and sisters and start going round Kajang; distribute satay to all and sundry; boost the economy.

Look at it positively. Don't be a spoilt brat like the Thai opposition. Don't take a dog-in-the-manger attitude. See the bright side.

Bring your Santa Claus and distribute goodies like kacang putih. But, don't touch taxpayers' funds, use your own funds or your grandfathers' money.

Note: Taxpayers' money is not your money. Be transparent, be honest, be humble. Don't use government vehicles, don't deploy government servants, use your own members. Will a Nelson Mandela stand up?

Aries46: What is Mohd Razlan bellyaching about? Is Rosmah Mansor's penchant for expensive handbags and diamonds an 'official secret'?

Was it not his party that commissioned a film portraying DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang as having urinated on the national flag pole outside the house of Selangor MB Harun Idris and later called it a fictitious element of the movie?

Have they apologised for it? Talk about double standards. Those who don't like the video don’t see it. Why get all twisted up by it and then provoke others?

Middle path: Good on you, Teresa. Don't let the narrow-minded and those with having something to hide, worry you. Cheers.

Labis Guy: Looks like everything is related to race these days.

Anonymous_4031: It is a tragic-comedy that several BN leaders and their sidekicks are lamenting that having a by-election is a waste of money and a waste of their time.

Boycott the election, if you think it is a waste of funds and waste of time, just like the Thai opposition.

Give a walkover to Anwar. Look at this as an golden chance to knock out the great man, if you can. Yes, the 711 Party should be happy that you have an early chance to gain one seat and make it 712 Party. This chance does not come every day.

Seize it with your two hands; and get as many hands as possible to help you wrest it from PKR. This is also a good time for the MCA’s Liow-Wee partnership to test their support from the satay sellers and buyers in Kajang.

Tourism will be boosted with all hotels booked in advance; and the rates raised for those who wish to squat there and consume satay.

The shopkeepers, restaurant owners, and satay sellers will be only too happy to welcome aliens there. Business will boom.

Anonymous_4171: It ain't racial but a political satire. Why drag race into it? Things rise, education and all else involves the whole rakyat. Where is it racial? Umno, please grow up.

Mk: Funny stuff. I guess Umno does not understand political satire. One more thing to ban in Malaysia? Don't be surprised.

Anonymous #38214283: if this is an insult to Malays, then this has insulted two Chinese politicians, too, so it is not racial, but reflecting real problems facing by the majority of Malaysians.

Smiley: Siapa makan lada, dialah yang rasa pedas.  (Whoever eats chili, feels the heat) Making a video with a good message doesn't mean making any direct references to anyone. So grow up,  Umno.

Geronimo: I wonder which is even worse, Umno Baru's demonisation of opposition leaders or Teresa Kok's humorous video depicting the lifestyle of today's leaders.

Just like the 'kangkong', they will now treat this video as a threat to national security. What a laugh.

Dalvik: More than half a century after the independence, Malaysia, or the sensitivity of some Malaysians sensitivity has hit a new low.

Did anybody realise only Umno-related parties are crying foul of racial and religion offences which, of course, is judged by their own perspective?

I'm sure P Ramlee would be turning in his grave - he had even made fun of sultans and no one raised an eyebrow.

This also explains why Malaysian made movies are less funny than Thailand's. Openness is the key.

Sadly, Malaysia is moving backwards, too timid or narrow minded that I doubt P Ramlee would be able to release new work in this very 'sensitive' age.

Negarawan: This is a typical modus operandi of Umno. Whatever that is not in favour of Umno, will be labelled as racist or anti-Islamic to stir up hatred.

I have seen the video twice and fail to see any racist statement, other than it being a political satire.

On the other hand, public demonstrations by Umno with threats of killing other races with traditional weapons, is condoned by all levels within Umno.

The sexually explicit and extremely immoral movie made by the Umno president's son did not even receive any condemnation within Umno and even from the so-called religious authorities like Jakim.

Umno, don't be a hypocrite and take a deep look at yourself first before falsely accusing others.

The rakyat is already fed-up with your racist and religious incitements, and we know how to ignore your dirty and underhanded tactics.

Cocomomo: Looks like racist elements in Umno are trying their best to incite racial tension by attributing racism whenever their Umno leaders or related parties seem to be made fun of.

Why do these narrow minded bigots find racism everywhere? Obviously reflects their twisted thoughts.

Meh: The presentation is rather inelegant and crude but certainly nothing racial. Just making fun of certain leaders. Can't we make fun of our leaders? Why are they so powerful? Are they not servants of the people? - Malaysiakini

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