Monday, February 3, 2014

Prove Christians tricking Muslims, Jakim told

A Sabah member of Parliament is demanding that the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) substantiate its claim that Christians in the country are out to deceive Muslims, and a probe be carried out on the department’s actions.

Penampang MP Darell Leiking urged this following the sermon read out at Friday prayers on Jan 31, prepared by Jakim, warning Muslims that the Quran reminds them to be vigilant against the machinations of Jews and Christians out to deceive them.

“I view the accusation by Jakim as serious since it could create animosity and suspicion between Muslims and non-Muslims in the country which if left unattended, will potentially lead to a full-blown religious conflict in the country,” Darell (left) said in a statement.

“So, like the rests of the millions of Christians in the country who are fed up of being used as the bait for a political agenda, I urge Jakim to produce immediately the substantial evidences showing that the Christians in the country are tricking the Muslims to go at each other.”

Furthermore, coming under the purview of the Prime Minister’s Department, the PKR deputy secretary-general said it falls upon Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to order an “immediate open investigation” on the matter.

“Failure to do so will only strengthen the claim that Najib is a weak prime minister and should resign from the post immediately,” his statement reads.

Meanwhile, he also urged Sabah’s state cabinet to confirm that the Administration of Islamic Law Enactment 1992, which prohibits the use of 31 words, including ‘injil’ and ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims in the state, is still applicable or is to be annulled.

“Most Sabahans would think that the prohibition of certain words by non-Muslims is only applicable in the peninsula but what they never knew is that there already exists an enactment in the state that prohibits the usage of 31 words by non-Muslims in any forms of publications, printing press, audio-visuals and other modes of communications.”

Hence, he said that the state cabinet is obliged to confirm the actual position of the enactment, especially in view that it has an over-riding effect over the 10-point solution.

Najib had stated that the ban on the use of the word ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims would stand in states which have provisions under the law, and that the 10-point solution is subjected such state-level enactments.

However, he had stated that “there are no such enactments in Sabah and Sarawak”.

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