Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Summons filed to stop Taib becoming governor

Padungan assemblyperson Wong King Wei, who is also Sarawak DAP Youth chief, this afternoon filed a writ of summons in the High Court in Kuching seeking an order to restrain or prohibit Abdul Taib Mahmud from accepting the appointment of Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Sarawak.

Wong (right) argues in the writ that Sarawak’s outgoing chief minister would be violating Article 2(2) of the state constitution should Taib assume the post of head of state.

 “Alternatively, in the event Taib has accepted the appointment as Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak, a declaration is being sought that he has violated Article 2(2) of the constitution of Sarawak and that he be removed from the office,” Wong said.

He said Taib should be restrained or prohibited from becoming Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Sarawak because Article 2(2) of the state constitution says the head of state shall not be actively engaged in any commercial enterprise.

He also sought a declaration that Taib as the chief minister of Sarawak has violated Article 6(5) of the state constitution during his tenure as chief minister by actively engaging in commercial enterprises at all material times.

One of he grounds for this is that Taib was holding a directorship in Mesti Bersatu Sdn Bhd (Company No 758849) since May 9, 2007, and is at all material time one of the directors of Mesti Bersati.

“The defendant is also at all material times one of the shareholders of Mesti Bersatu and holding 400,000 shares in the company,” Wong said.

Wong is giving Taib, who has been chief minister of  Sarawak since March 26, 1981, 14 days to appear before the court from the date the writ of summons is served on him.

In the meantime, preparations are in hand to file an ex-parte application to seek an injunction against Taib’s appointment as the Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Sarawak.

“This injunction application will be filed as soon as possible,” Wong said.

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