Saturday, March 1, 2014

Teachings Of The Rasul

I have received feedback that lately I have been writing less about politics and also hitting the gomen less. Maybe it is because of the month of the hot and dry season now. In Arabic the "month of the drought" would literally be 'shahru ramadan'. 

(I am referring to the literal meaning of the words only ok - not what we already understand from the derived meanings. Please differentiate between the literal meanings and the derived meanings of some words, they may not be the same. Here is an example : Grass is a plant, hopper is something that hops. But 'grasshopper' is an insect.) 

Anyway, because of some of the debate going on in the public arena right now, this post is meant for the Muslim readers. However the non Muslims can also read this, though you may find this a tad boring.

Lately many people are commenting on Dr Mahathir's recent writings pertaining to Islam and the Quran. This is good. No matter what or who you are, please feel free to say what you want to say. Imagine if someone tells you 'Shut up. You cannot speak.' That will not be Islam. So in the same light allow others to say what they want to say.

The Quran says, 

Surah 39:18 "They are the ones who examine all words, then follow the best. These are the ones whom Allah has guided; these are the ones who possess intelligence."

It is intelligence to listen to all views. Therefore we should not stop people from speaking up - no matter how stupid we think they are. Let them talk, even the stupid ones. And then we must follow the best of what we hear. Our intelligence will tell us what is right and what is wrong. 

For example your intelligence will tell you that marrying your own biological daughter is a wrong thing to do. Even animals know that. But some religious people have said that, under very strange circumstances, it is ok to marry your own biological daughter. Here they have outdone the animals.  And the Quran recognises these people :

Surah 7:179  "We have committed to the fire multitudes of jinns and humans. They have minds with which they do not understand, eyes with which they do not see, and ears with which they do not hear. They are like animals; no, they are far worse - they are totally unaware."

So should we stop these people from saying such stupid things? I think we cannot. It is their right to be as stupid as they want. But we must exercise intelligence to weed out what they say.

Anyway coming back to Dr Mahathir's statements about the Quran, a lot of things that have been said to rebut Dr Mahathir are based on ignorance of the Quran. 

So today I want to share with you some of the teachings of the Rasul. Now when I say teachings of the Rasul, here I am referring the Quran. All Muslims must agree that the Quran is the teachings of the Rasul. If any Muslim does not believe this, then you are not a Muslim. You become Anti Quran. You become a kafir.

So here are some teachings of the Rasul from the Quran (Surah 69 : 38 - 52)

69:038  I swear by what you see.

69:039  And what you do not see.

69:040  This is the utterance of an honorable messenger.

69:041   Not the utterance of a poet; rarely do you believe.

69:042  Nor the utterance of a soothsayer; rarely do you take heed.

69:043  A revelation from the Lord of the universe.

69:044  Had he uttered any other teachings in our name (walaw taqawwala alayna ba'ada alqaweeli).

69:045  We should certainly seize him by his right hand,

69:046  And We should certainly then cut off the artery of his heart

69:047  Nor could any of you save him

69:048  This is a reminder for the righteous.

69:049  We know; some of you are rejectors.

69:050  It is but sorrow for the disbelievers.

69:051  It is the absolute truth.

69:052  Therefore, you shall glorify the name of your Lord, Most Great.

The teachings of the Rasul in the Quran clearly says that had the Rasul said anything else and attributed it to Allah, then the Rasul would have been punished quite severely. 

69:044  Had he uttered any other teachings in our name (walaw taqawwala alayna ba'ada alqaweeli)

Here are some other teachings of the Rasul. Interestingly these two verses or ayaat here mention the word 'hadith' in the Arabic text. Hadith means narrations or stories. Do bear this in mind.

Surah 39:23  "Allah has revealed herein the ahsana alhadeeth (best narrations); a book that is consistent, and points out both ways. The skins of those who reverence their Lord cringe therefrom, then their skins and their hearts soften up for Allah's message. Such is Allah's guidance; He bestows it upon whoever wills. As for those sent astray by Allah, nothing can guide them."

So in this ayaat, the Quran calls itself the "ahsana al hadith" or the best narrations

So Muslim folks, if the Quran calls itself the "ahsana al hadeeth" do you want to uphold anything else that is NOT 'ahsana al hadeeth'? Do you think that is a clever thing to do?

And here is something else. If the Quran calls itself 'ahsana al hadeeth', then how can the people who uphold the Quran be labelled 'anti hadeeth'?  Can explain ah? Tengkiuu ah.

Surah 45:6  These are Allah's ayaat that we recite to you truthfully. In which narrations (fa bi'aiyyi hadeethin) other than Allah and His ayaat do they believe?

This is a challenge from Allah and the Rasul in the Quran. Other than Allah and His ayaat, in which other narrations or hadith do they believe? 

So how are the Muslims supposed to answer this challenge?  

For those of you who are confused, ini bukan saya cakap. Ini Al Quran yang cakap. Jangan marah saya ok. 

For those who understand Arabic "fabi ai'yyi hadeethin ba'dalaahi wa aayatihi yu'minoon" - so how do you answer? It will be interesting to hear your views. Be factual. No bullshitting.

Finally here are more verses from the Quran, your own Quran, which you read sing song, sing song fashion at the Tilawah Al Quran. This is what YOUR Rasul has taught you.

68:036  What is wrong with your judgement?

68:037  Do you have another book to uphold?

68:038  In it, do you find anything you want?

68:039  Or, have you received solemn assurances from us that grant you whatever you wish on the Day of Resurrection?

68:040  Ask them, "Who guarantees this for you?"

If you uphold other books, who guarantees them for you? You can find anything you want in those books. But who guarantees them for you? 

Why would anyone say that you can marry your own biological daughter? 

Maybe my friend Aspan will ponder these as well.  

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