Monday, February 3, 2014


What I would like to know is how many of those who whacked Ibrahim Ali for throwing a party at the old folks’ home visited the residents of the old folks’ home over Chinese New Year?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
A sad and quiet CNY at old folks home
(The Sun Daily) – While most of the Chinese had a great time welcoming the Horse, it was a rather sad and quiet day for the 59 senior citizens at the Rumah Sejahtera Seri Setia this Chinese New Year.
“We did not have much of a celebration on the Chinese New Year day itself other than the party that the sponsors organised. But we do have people coming in, bringing in hampers and ang pows for the people here,” said H.E Ong, 65, a retiree who helps out at the home.
“Normally we would have visitors until Chap Goh Meh, which falls on Feb 14 this year,” he added.
The New Year party brought the festive spirit with the traditional lion dance and generous hampers and ang pows but what was sadly missing was the visits by friends and loved ones, said Ong.
According to him, while most of the residents at the home do not have families, they look forward to having visitors bearing little gifts.
Only about five of them went back home for the reunion dinner with their families.
“We only accept Chinese elderly people without families. These people who are here are basically homeless. Their boarding and food here is provided for by donations but we do not pay for their medical expenses. They can get treatment at public hospitals or save the money that they get from relatives or visitors during special occasions for treatment at private clinics,” Ong said.
“They do not have much to look forward to, simple stall food and the hope that they may strike the lottery keeps them going,” he said with a bitter smile.
“Just to keep them occupied, I teach them English and Mandarin. We have set up a small karaoke and a gym as well,” Ong said.
One of the residents said the festive season is often fun for them as people come by to visit, often bringing in some delights for them.
“I look forward to Chinese New Year for the ang pow that I get from the visitors. My family has forgotten me, but I have my friends here, a warm bed and good food,” said the elderly resident who did not want to be named.
I suppose it is better this way than people like Ibrahim Ali and his big gang of followers, who is ignorant of Chinese taboos, throwing a party in the old folks’ home and giving them money in white envelopes, which is considered bad luck to the Chinese.
As it is now these people are already abandoned and have no homes and family and have to live a lonely life with no one visiting them, not even on Chinese New Year. So they really do not need any more bad luck that people like Ibrahim Ali would bring with his handouts of cash in white envelopes.
After the walloping Ibrahim Ali got the last time he tried to play the Good Samaritan, I am sure he would no longer dare go within a mile of an old folks’ home, especially an all-Chinese old folks’ home like the one mentioned above.
Well, I suppose it is better that Ibrahim Ali, who is not well-versed regarding Chinese customs, traditions and taboos, not dabble in doing charity work in old folks’ homes, especially all-Chinese old folks’ homes and especially on Chinese New Year. If not this would just be used as political ammunition to show that the Malays are racists for not being sensitive about the colour of the envelope.
This sort of shows that when we are more concerned about trimmings and colours (and politics) than about who is looking into the plight of neglected citizens, this is what we get. We end up quarrelling over trivial matters while the old folks are left all alone to wait for death to come claim them.
What I would like to know is how many of those who whacked Ibrahim Ali for throwing a party at the old folks’ home visited the residents of the old folks’ home over Chinese New Year?

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