Friday, March 7, 2014

ANUS, SPERMS & BUTT INTRUSION - that's what M'sia is now famous for, NO THANKS TO UNTHINKING UMNO

ANUS, SPERMS & BUTT INTRUSION - that's what M'sia is now famous for, NO THANKS TO UNTHINKING UMNO
Malaysia is a closely watched nation. The country is being monitored the world over not because it has an arsenal of biological warfare capability; not because it has lined up war heads that can be detonated to destroy other nations at supersonic speed.
Malaysia is a growing concern the world over because it is facing a grave situation where justice, judgment and judiciary could well be accused or alleged to have jailed a nation.
Today the Petronas Twin Towers have long been overshadowed by three significant – though torrid, cases that have been dragging through the Malaysian Palace of Justice without shame nor dignity.
Umno can send Anwar back to prison BUT it is the nation that gets JAILED
First we have the on-going and undying Sodomy-Trial involving Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. And whichever way you argue this matter, it is a shame, a national shame; but who cares.
Every child and student is now well versed by the media going to market with anus, sperms and butt intrusion details. Unwilling to let the case be blotted out, today the nation’s principle-centered and value-anchored citizens cry in vain as the political vendetta invades the very space of justice, judgment and judiciary.
We have deteriorated into a situation where if Anwar is returned to prison, the nation gets jailed. And if Anwar walks out free, the nation would have already jailed itself given all the sordid details being poured generously within the august courtroom in an attempt to finish of a man, father, husband, leader and a fellow Malay and Muslim.
Where in the world have we witnessed such a case in court? Where in the world and in the leaves of human political history do we have a political assassination chiseled out with such shameless and undignified means to finish off an opponent?
Even the Clinton case has been dwarfed by Malaysia's Sodomy saga!
Second we have the unresolved “Allah” issue that continues to be played to the gallery.
When you have twenty chartered bus-loads of people all in red uniform with food and refreshments provided on-site; and are gathered with alarming paraphernalia of banners that scream for blood and exclusivity to name and call the Creator; and the seemingly protected crowd barging against a handful of thirty odd peacemakers clutching fresh flowers - and all these unfolding right outside the Halls of Justice, judgment and judiciary, you know a nation is under threat of being jailed.
When peace promotions, moderate governance, sound leadership – when all of these cannot safeguard the interest of co-existence, freedom to worship, and the right to relate with humanity’s Creator without exclusivity, and after going through the courtrooms over years, then can we not say that justice, judiciary and judgment have jailed a nation of progressive people to appease the power brokers and political masters?
Najib's C4
Third, whatever happened to the heinous slaying of a lone fragile woman, mother and daughter with lethal and totally annihilating C4 plastic bombs?
When no murderer has been found; when suspects are left to roam free; when motive is deemed as not relevant; when mysteries surround missing records and missing persons – is not justice, judiciary and judgment not jailing a nation?
Where are all the sensible, able -minded, learned, rightly motivated and moral leaders of Malaysia? Where are all the principle-centered and noble hearted men and women of Malaysia in whom the citizens have placed their vote of trust?
When good men and women are not able to save a nation from being jailed in conscience by justice, judgment and judiciary, the world must stand up and make a difference. Failing which, that sense of guilt must be shared by all of us – the villains and the victims; the bystanders and naïve; the strong and the weak.
Pray Malaysia can free itself from this greatest curse upon itself in its five over decades of independence and sovereignty where its future is under threat of being jailed by justice, judiciary and judgment as these three cases threaten a nation’s dignity, honor and history. - MAILBAG

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