Friday, March 7, 2014

Cops seize Afif's phone over 'insulting tweet'

Police recorded a statement from Penang state executive councillor Dr Afif Bahardin this morning on his March 4 tweet, which is said to have insulted the police.

Afif's lawyer Izad Buqkhary Mohd Kamri said two officers from Bandar Perda police headquarters called on Afif at his office at 9am.

"They took down his statement and seized his mobile phone. The whole process took two hours," Izad toldMalaysiakini.

"The police said there were two reports lodged against Afif for his tweet. They have yet to inform us under which law they are investigating him," Izad added.

Afif is in trouble for his tweet, which said "Penjenayah bunuh polis itu tidak menghairankan, tetapi bila polis yang sepatutnya menegakkan undang-undang membunuh tahanan, itu masalah."

(Criminal killing the police is not surprising, but if police who are upholders of the law kill detainees, that's a problem).

Deputy IGP calls Afif 'inhuman'

Afif's tweet also irked Deputy Inspector-General of Police Mohd Bakri Mohd Zinin, who described him as"inhumane" and "not fit to be a state representative".

Bakri also slammed Afif for not appreciating the sacrifices of the police.

Yesterday, Sensible, Ethical Malaysian United Team or Semut president Huan Cheng Guan lodged a police report claiming Afif's tweet was an insult to the police force, which undermined the image of the force.

Huan also said, "The tweet appears to be inciting hatred and disloyalty to the police and government."

According to Izad, another police report has been lodged against Afif by the police themselves.

Izad and two PKR lawyers accompanied Afif when he gave the statement to the police.

Afif, who is Seberang Jaya assemblyman, defended his tweet, saying it had been "misunderstood and twisted" by his opponents to make him look as if he was an enemy of the police.

Saying he was not directing his tweet to any particular person, Afif said he was more concerned about the recent custodial deaths in Penang - in the Bayan Baru and Nibong Tebal police lock-ups - and another at the Dang Wangi police station in Kuala Lumpur.

Afif was criticised for disrespecting the sacrifices of the police in defending the country, especially Cpl Raja Aizman Raja Mohd, who was slashed to death in Klang on March 4 by men believed to be foreigners.

Raja Aizman's partner escaped with injuries.

Afif, however, had also expressed his condolences for Raja Aizman and all those who died while on duty, saying he respected their sacrifices.

He also called on his political opponents not to turn the police force into their "political tool".

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