Sunday, March 30, 2014

MH370: Who is lying, INTERPOL or the Malaysian government?

MH370: Who is lying, INTERPOL or the Malaysian government?
The Malaysian government maintained that it did not consult INTERPOL’s Stolen and Lost Travel Documents (SLTD) database because it (SLTD) is “too large” and would overwhelm Malaysia’s database management which led to two Iranian nationals boarding the ill-fated Malaysian carrier Boeing 777 with fake and stolen passports, .
In short, INTERPOL has a facility that is inadequate. Hence the world is not secure from potential terrorists and illegals from easily entering nations with fake documents.
Mlaaysia cannot be blamed.
The Malaysian Home Minister has in effect, informed all law makers, all Malaysians and the eventually reaching the world at large – including INTERPOL, through the august House of the Malaysian Parliament, that here was a system that was, in other words, not practical and cumbersome. The Home Minster’s claim certainly smacks of a failed if not an unreliable and impractical system being provided by INTERPOL.
Hence Malaysia has taken an official stand why it has not and probably will not use INTERPOL’s SLTD and thus absolves itself of any blame for allowing would-be terrorists and illegal travels to depart from Malaysia on-board its national carrier to any destination in the world serviced by the airlines.
INTERPOL however has rejected Malaysia’s claim – outright.
In its official website posting, INTERPOL states, “Malaysia’s decision not to consult INTERPOL's Stolen and Lost Travel Documents (SLTD) database before allowing travelers to enter the country or board planes cannot be defended by falsely blaming technology or INTERPOL. If there is any responsibility or blame for this failure, it rests solely with Malaysia's Immigration Department.
It further established that its database is consulted “230 million times per year; the UK more than 140 million times; the UAE more than 100 million times and Singapore more than 29 million times.”
“Not one of these countries, or indeed any INTERPOL member country, has ever stated that the response time is too slow,” it asserted, while revealing to the world that Malaysia “did not conduct a single check of passengers’ passports in 2014 prior to the tragic disappearance” of MH370.
Lazy Malaysia caught making excuses
Now, citizens around the world, the suffering families of those victims who may have perished on MH370, governments whose citizens are afflicted, lawyers representing the next-of-kin of the victim-passengers, nation leaders who are fighting hard to safeguard their lands from potential terrorism and Malaysians who are pledged to nation building and nation status need to know who is lying.
If INTERPOL is pulling wool over the global eyes then there must be a vehement outcry and unreserved condemnation.
Will the United States of America’s President, Barrack Obama, lead the way for redress? Let us not forget 9/11 which was turning point for the world.
Let us also recall the promise of the American President when in his Victory Speech of November 4, 2008, he declared, “And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of our world – our stories are singular but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.” (Newsweek Commemorative Issue, Obama’s American Dream, pp.80, 2008).
Will the French citizens too not want to save their dignity and honor?
Will not Malaysians throw their national weight of 30 million citizens, State and Rulers together to hold INTERPOL guilty as charged?
Likewise, if the Malaysian government has lied and blasphemed INTERPOL by tarnishing the latter’s services for an unreliable and impractical SLTD, then all Malaysians – leaders, citizens and Rulers, owe the world an accountable, immediate correction.
And that correction is to be spearheaded by none other than the premier of Malaysia, Najib Razak. He must without delays (which are unfortunately touted as his world renowned trademark), immediately sack the Home Minister Zahid.
Otherwise, the entire UMNO-BN led bandwagon of leaders must resign or be sacked by a nation of virtuous people for culpability. For the nation’s dignity and honor has been destroyed. The price must be paid to amend and resurrect the pride of nation status, King and citizens. - MAILAG

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