Friday, March 7, 2014

Petronas biggest loser in Iran over Shia' remark?

Which moron said that? The fact of the matter is, Petronas has no business operations in Iran. Our national oil corporation exited Iran several years ago. And in view of the US sanctions that still hold against Iran, it is really fantastic to imagine that Esso or Conoco "are making their way into the country", as claimed by Syed Azman Ahmad Nawawi, the PAS International Bureau Head. 
"The biggest loser is Petronas whose oil exploration in Iran has been met with hurdles from the Iranian government, while at the same time, American firms such as Esso and Conoco are making their way into the country," added Syed Azman. (As anti-Shia campaign hits the pockets, BN Minister seeks PAS help to restore Iran ties - The Malaysian Insider, 3 March)
"Petronas mengalami kerugian paling banyak apabila usaha cari galinya di Iran menerima halangan daripada kerajaan Iran sedangkan pada waktu sama syarikat Amerika Syarikat (AS) termasuk Esso dan Conoco sudah mula masuk ke negara itu," kata Syed Azman. (Syiah: Iran bertindak balas, UMNO mengaku silap - Harakah, 3 Mac)

Change your source, Syed!

Politics the real motive, as usual. What's quite obvious is that Syed Azman is trying to pitHome Minister Zahid Hamidi against another Umno minister (who had purportedly sought PAS' help to improve Malaysia's ties with Iran). The funny thing is how easily some Umno and pro-BN bloggers could fall for Syed Azman's tale that Petronas was losing millions over the Shia' remark. How can Petronas be the biggest loser in Iran when the corporation does not operate in Iran at all? How stupid can you get?

They should go for the Umno Minister who ran to PAS for help; that is, if Syed Azman didn't get that wrong, too.

p.s. Petronas maintains a liaison office mainly to facilitate the closure of certain matters related to the previous arrangements it had with the Government. - rocky's bru

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