Thursday, April 17, 2014

A horrifying hypocrite with a blatant ability to lie? WHAT KIND OF PERSON IS DR M REALLY?

A horrifying hypocrite with a blatant ability to lie? WHAT KIND OF PERSON IS DR M REALLY?
In a recent disclosure on his blog, disgraced former Malaysian prime minister, Mahathir Mohammad stated that the Western world has no right to lecture other nations on freedom of speech as it practises censorship of anti-Semitic views as well.
Mahathir's hatred of Jews knows no limits. He alleged that Western powers would censor anything bad about the Jews and any such publication would be blocked and kept out of major bookshops.
In the year 2003, Mahathir sparked outrage worldwide when he reportedly stated that the Jewish people ruled the world by proxy "by getting others to fight and die for them."
When the 9/11 attack took place in the United States, Mahathir also stoked controversy when he suggested that the attacks against the Americans had been staged as an excuse to mount attacks on the Muslim world.
In his blog, Mahathir stated:" The West have therefore no right to lecture others about freedom of speech, of the the media or of any publication. They themselves do not practise what they preach. They are the worst censors in the world."
According to Mahathir, the censorship was a result of the Jews demanding that nothing bad be said about them, which was duly accommodated by the governments of the Western world.
Malaysia has been heavily criticised by the international community and by the local media for its censorship of the media especially during the administration of the Mahathir regime.
In recent calls he made, Mahathir stated that there has to be even greater censorship of the Internet and social media and gave his "primary reason" as "easy access to pornography."
But last year, an article penned by Mahathir, entitled "The Chinese Dilemma" was removed by Facebook for allegedly violating its community standard and was believed to have been cited for being hate speech.
Whether Jews or Chinese, Mahathir is a world renown ultra Malay chauvinist who reeks of being a hard-core racist and more and more Malaysians wonder how he was able to get to become prime minister of a supposedly democratic nation like Malaysia that is also multi-racial and multi-religious.
In the span of his governance of Malaysia, corruption began to rise and has now hit an all-time high thanks to Mahathir's initiative in formulating policies and practices to fuel corruption earning him the title of "Bapa Rasuah" or the Father of Corruption.
What kind of a person is Mahathir really?
There was an author of repute in the past who wrote a book called "The paradoxes of Mahathirism." From this publication and by going through reams of information of what Mahathir has said and done in his years of politics, what is to be discovered is his horrifying hypocrisy and blatant ability to lie and even be able to pass a lie detector test.
This is because Mahathir fervently believes in all the lies he spews about the non-Malay communities in this country and of the Jews and developed and advanced Western nations.
Mahathir is blinded by rage and jealousy by his own inability to do anything to lift the living standards and quality-of-life of the Malays and bumiputras other than to create a minority elite group to hold sway over Malaysia.
Therefore his frustration is obvious. Though he firmly believes he is largely responsible for the economic success of Malaysia, what is emerging now is that the truth is beginning to be revealed of gross misrule during his tenure as prime minister.
Mahathir is solely responsible for erecting the capitalist crony link with Barisan Nasional (BN) politicians and paving the way to make corruption a way of life in this country.
In doing so, he flouted all the tenets and obligations of democracy and fair play, justice and meritocracy became the victims of his evil reign of power that witnesses until now the tyranny and oppression of the "rakyat" by BN.
This is the true face of Mahathir. Though on the surface he portends to be a devout Muslim, in reality, in actuality and truth, there is evidence to suggest on the contrary that he is in all probability much less holy than he would like to imagine himself to be. Don't be surprised if he is really a closet atheist much in the vein of his arch nemesis Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore.
The use of playing the race and religion cards are Mahathir's favoured ploys in his agenda to hold on to power and to ensure that the wealth that has been created by economic growth is siphoned and to be at the disposal of the governing minority elite.
Mahathir hates to exert himself and will make use of anyone and any opportunity to further his personal wealth which he has amassed for himself, his family and fellow politicians and cronies.
This is why the ordinary man on the street in this country, though subscribing to back-breaking work all his life, has little to savour as the wealth created is not equitably distributed.
This really means that Mahathir flogged the back of the Malaysian workforce to create wealth not for the people but only for a privileged minority to share the spoils and gains of economic success.
While Malaysians toiled and laboured under the specious belief that they would get a share of the economic pie, it was the greedy and ruthless Mahathir who swallowed it up whole for himself and his fellow politicians and cronies.
This is because Mahathir believes all the gains of economic success during his tenure as prime minister is due to his hard work work and industry when all he did was to tinker with the levels of administration and manipulate Malaysians and deceive them.
Mahathir as the corrupt and ruthless dictator
A person like Mahathir, as a Malaysian citizen, lives above the law and he has committed crimes and atrocities against the people, country and law but is able to get away scot free from punishment because Malaysia is no longer a democracy but a rogue nation that has gone to the dogs.
Despite the calls and cry by many innocent victims that the law apply to Mahathir as well this is not the case as he reigns as a dictator in this country. This is his turf, his personal fiefdom.
But the cry for justice and fair play and meritocracy by Malaysians of all walks of life is getting louder and louder by the day. This has shaken the Malay heartland to the core and as the international community watches on, Malay's and other bumiputras are beginning to realize that BN has done a lot of things wrong during its administration of the country beginning with the year 1957 or more specifically after the ouster of Tunku Abdul Rahman.
The Malay's and other bumiputras are now beginning to grow aware and realize that the ways and policies and practices of BN are wrong and has caused a great deal of evil to take place among the people that now needs to be restored back towards democratic ways.
Mahathir has been identified as evil and corrupt in his ways, and though for some Malay's it is hard to belief that Mahathir in reality merely makes use of them and does not care for them, it is now easier for them to belief that he has abused and misused the trust of the Malay's in him to profit for himself and his family.
Malay's now are beginning to realize and understand that they have been taken for a ride by him and that the country has gone from bad to worse and now the suffering of the Malaysian community has reached even the nostrils of the world or international community who view Mahathir as nothing more than a dictator and shrewd manipulator of the people.
Malay's have only to do some simple soul-searching and discard their blind loyalty and allegiance to BN as the governing coalition only exists to fend for the minority elite in this country. BN is not watching out for the Malay's or bumiputras, they are merely looking to use them as a vote bank.
This is why with each passing day as more and more realities surface of Mahathir and BN leaders, Mahathir's legacy lies in tatters now.
History will rule and decide and judge in favour of the truth, the whole truth as Mahathir is unmasked and BN's ploys are exposed as being of a fraudulent nature.
Only time will tell if Malay's will get over their heady reverie and realize the truth that they have been deceived and misled by Mahathir and the BN gang of thieves that have plundered and looted the wealth of the nation at will for their personal consumption. - Malaysia Chronicle

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