Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A SURPRISE ATTACK? China's military newspaper likens missing MH370 to Pearl Harbor

A SURPRISE ATTACK? China's military newspaper likens missing MH370 to Pearl Harbor
Throughout the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, commentators have groped for analogies to convey the enigma of how a Boeing 777-200 could disappear without a trace. China’s official military newspaper, the Liberation Army Daily, may well be the first to liken the aircraft’s loss to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
On Tuesday, a commentary in the newspaper sought to draw military lessons from the loss of the plane, which investigators believe went down in the southern Indian Ocean off western Australia with 239 people on board. If even in this age a large aircraft can just vanish, it said, planes could still be used to mount surprise military attacks, like the 1941 strike by Japanese forces on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
The commentary said China and other countries could use the search to improve international cooperation for dealing with such incidents. But China’s armed forces, it suggested, needed to learn the importance of vigilance from Malaysia’s failure to respond promptly when the plane veered wildly off course on March 8 while en route from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing.
“The most famous surprise attack was when the Japanese forces attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor,” the commentary said.
“It has been widely believed that so long as you establish a relatively comprehensive defensive system of three-dimensional information monitoring, then it would be very difficult for traditional surprises to succeed,” the commentary said. The author’s name was given as Fang Xing, but his or her identity was not described, and the name may be a pseudonym.
“But the fact that the Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared is a warning to us that surprise attacks can still happen on this planet,” the commentary said. “It may well be that the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines plane could serve as a model for warmongers and terrorists.”
About two-thirds of the 227 passengers on the missing aircraft were Chinese citizens, prompting intense public interest in the tragedy and expectations that the government would act. Indeed, China has taken a prominent role in the search, but its contribution has also brought some skepticism as to whether its capabilities have matched its sheer numbers of search planes and ships.
On April 5, Chinese state media outlets reported that a Chinese search vessel, the Haixun 01, had detected what might be signals from the missing plane’s flight recorders. But the reports gave few details, and pictures of the search equipment appeared to show gear unlikely to work for searching at such depths. Investigators have discounted the signals as a false lead, Angus Houston, the Australian overseeing the search in the southern Indian Ocean, said on Monday.
The Liberation Army Daily did not dwell on that episode, which involved a civilian maritime administration ship. But the newspaper argued that the media coverage of the search was also a “war for public opinion.”
“The war for opinion throughout the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines plane must not be underestimated,” it said. “This could be called a classic example of war for opinion in a nonwarfare military operation.” -sinosphere.blogs.nytimes.com

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