Tuesday, April 15, 2014


What do we simple citizens make out of this advertisement that is screaming at a busy traffic junction in the heart of the city centre in Kuala Lumpur - the nation's most loudly promoted destination as we peddle across the globe the Visit Malaysia 2014 campaign?
Such roadside advertisements which are not restricted to only Kuala Lumpur, do not seem to draw the attention of NGOs that always scream of protecting their religious teachings and followings when it comes to politics and religion and race.
But here you see a signboard daringly screaming that ‘Adult Toys’ can be easily bought in Malaysia and yet no NGO-leader or follower has seen it nor dares to raise it.
Why so nice to smut peddlers?
In fact this particular photo taken on Monday, 14 April, by this writer, clearly shows that the advertisement is just a stone’s throw from the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters. Yet no action?
Or are the authorities and the usually screaming NGOs telling us ordinary folks that it is all okay to buy and sell ‘Adult Toys’ in Malaysia? In that case, why not open outlets at all shopping centers and sell lucrative space on giant mobile billboards screaming and showing samples of ‘Adult Toys’ lah?
Or maybe, the authorities and pious NGOs will now say “we are not aware of such road side advertisements; please make a police report so that we can swing into action”.
Indeed it is all very disgusting. Can you imagine what a parent will experience if their child-on-board asks what is an ‘Adult Toy’ as the parent pulls in at such busy road junctions?
On the one hand our leaders scream their lungs out claiming that westernization is decadent and that one’s religion must be safeguarded from such threats. But then on the other hand you see so many signage plastered on building blocks, rail stations, bus stops and road junctions peddling all kinds of filth that can only corrupt the values of a society.
From easy loans to bail outs; from ‘volcanic’ massages to adult toys – all of these are there for every one to see. Just go to Putrajaya and park your car for a good three hours and see for yourself the ‘Eazy loans’ call card left on your car windscreen or neatly tucked at the door handle of your car.
Holy followers of Islam or merely slapping non-Malays in the face with Malay 'supremacy'
It is really sad. We pretend to be holy followers of religion but play blind to the real filth that has soiled our social fabric of dignity. We fight tooth and nail accusing one religion for causing suspected contamination of another’s religion but pretend not to see the real shit in our midst.
Yes we scream our lungs out trying to make the name of God or naming His greatness exclusive to one faith and faithful. But 'Adult Toys' is not degrading lah.
Let us get real. If ‘Adult Toys’ are okay then say so and legalize its sale and operatives, so that the streets can be spared of these filthy, embarrassing and cluttered advertising and instead have the promotion in a more dignified manner like in Australia for example.
Indeed, all these speaks volumes of the seeming progress in nation building but in reality no one is taking accountability for the decadence that has already set deep into our social fabric.
Let us see how many politicians will take this matter up. Or will they say that governance is something else.
Maybe our Prime Minster's wife, Datin Seri Rosmah should champion this Letter's cause for after all is she not the guardian of raising a great new gerneration of citizens. - MAILBAG

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