Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Defending the Constitution and right of the majority

The action of Selangor State Government in the case of Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor’s raid on Bible Society Malaysia (BSM) is clearly upholding the concept and principles of democracy where as the Chinese Chauvinist party masquerading as ‘Democratic Action Party’, is blatantly defying what the majority decided through democratic channels.
Pro-minority news portal Riong Kali dot com story:

In Bible group’s move, DAP pressures Khalid to ensure minorities are protected

APRIL 16, 2014
LATEST UPDATE: APRIL 16, 2014 10:29 AM
The DAP today pressured the Selangor government to take full responsibility in ensuring that the rights of minorities are protected, following The Bible Society of Malaysia’s (BSM) shift to Kuala Lumpur to avoid being hassled by state Islamic authorities.
Party national publicity chief Tony Pua said: “BSM’s decision to move has embarrassed Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in our ability and sincerity to uphold the rights of minorities.
“There can be no biggest insult to PR when BSM chairman Lee Min Choon claimed that Putrajaya offered better protection to religious minorities.
“However, what was more disappointing was the response from Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim who nonchalantly wished BSM ‘all the best’.”
Pua warned that such a response towards the incident may not bode well for PR and the Selangor government’s long-term plans.
“If we fail to make Selangor a showcase PR state, we will not only kiss our Putrajaya ambitions goodbye, even our hold on the state will be in jeopardy.
“The very same voters who turned their backs on Barisan Nasional can also do the same to us if we take them for granted,” he said.
DAP Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo also said that Khalid must take steps to solve the bible issue and address the government’s failure in dealing with it:
“The menteri besar has displayed a total lack of interest and political will in his handling of the issue. And this has resulted in a serious loss of faith of not only the Christians, but other Malaysians under his leadership in Selangor.”
Gobind also echoed Pua’s sentiment that the BSM move will be costly:
“Situations like these, needless to say, will cost Pakatan dearly in the next general election. This is precisely the reason why many have expressed great concern about Khalid’s leadership in Selangor.”
On January 2, 2014, the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) raided the BSM offices in Damansara Kim, and seized more than 300 copies of Alkitab and Bup Kudus (Iban Bibles) during the raid.
The raid was carried out under the Selangor Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation Among Muslims) Enactment 1988.
Until today, the seized Bibles have yet to be returned to the BSM, with the Selangor state government passing the buck to the Attorney-General’s Chambers.
Khalid even told BSM to write to the Attorney-General to ask for the return of their seized holy books.
Pua said PR’s position over the term Allah could not be any clearer as the term could be used by other religions such as Christianity and Sikhism.
“The term must not be abused and used for purposes of propagation among Muslims, a position which PR respects as part of the Federal Constitution,” Pua said.
“The Selangor state government has clearly failed to uphold the PR’s stand on this issue.” – April 16, 2014.
It is inline with the Federal Constitution Article 3.1 where sanctity Islam as the religion of the Federation and the Selangor Constitution Enactment 1988. The Malay bibles confiscated from Bible Society of Malaysia on 2 January 2014 are deemed to be part 0f the process to proselytising Malay-Muslims in the Selangor into Christianity.
That is against Article 11.4 of Federal Constitution and HRH Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, the Constitutional Head of Selangor, decreed against the matter twice.
Defending the right of the majority is preserving that have been democratically provided within the Federal Constitution and State of Selangor Constitution. It is too bad for the minority who by their own choice defy what the law has prohibited clearly and now challenging it.
That is typically Min Yuen mentality when the Malayan Communist Party wanted power and take control of Malaya in June 1948, they defied the wishes and aspiration of the majority and blatantly used brutal force to impose themselves onto the majority against their will and take what doesn’t belong to them.
That disobedient and anti-Constitution attitude though translated through different modus operandi, is very much reflective on DAP’s charge and NGOs representing Chinese Chauvinist and anti-Malay/Islam minority in controversy such as the JAIS inspection of Damansara Utama Methodist Church 3 August 2011 and the BSM on 2 January 2014.
Expect reciprocity, from the majority.-bigdogdotcom

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