Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Drama, violence as convert who lost child custody grabs son from ex-wife

Two days after losing custody of his two children, Izwan Abdullah turned violent as he shoved his ex-wife and grabbed his son from her home in Jelebu this morning.
S. Deepa, who won custody of her two children from her former lorry driver husband Izwan at the Seremban High Court on Monday, was left bruised in the struggle.
Deepa smelt trouble when she saw him at the gate at 9am as the court had only allowed him visits on Saturdays between 9am and 6pm.
"He came to the house this morning with another man in a four-wheel drive when he was not supposed to be at my house," Deepa told The Malaysian Insider.
"I was instantly suspicious because he is only allowed to see the children, Sharmila and Mithran, on Saturday. He started calling my son several times. My son went to the front gate and opened it," Deepa said, adding the boy did it before she could stop him.
While Izwan was with Mithran, his friend brought the vehicle around, which further aroused Deepa's suspicions.
"I started feeling scared and went to get hold of Mithran but my ex-husband suddenly grabbed him and ran.
"I chased after my ex-husband and caught up with him when he reached the four-wheel drive.
"He put my son in the vehicle and I grabbed hold of the boy’s leg. The car began moving slowly and I was dragged along."
Deepa told The Malaysian Insider she was dragged for a short distance before Izwan pushed her away.
"My shoulder is badly bruised and I also have scratches," Deepa said on the phone.
Izwan, who was previously known as N. Viran, had converted to Islam in 2011.
Deepa later lodged a report at the Seremban police station, accompanied by Women's Aid Organisation (WAO) advocacy officer Sally Wangsawijaya.
On Monday, the High Court in Seremban ordered that custody of the two children, who were converted to Islam without their mother's permission, be given to Deepa.
Judge Datuk Zabariah Mohd, in allowing the custody application by Deepa in chambers, had also allowed her application to dissolve her civil marriage as her husband had converted to Islam.
The High Court decision overrode a Shariah Court order early last year that granted custody of the children to Izwan who became a Muslim in April 2013.
Izwan's lawyer Muhammad Faiz Fadzil had told reporters that the judge had made it clear that Deepa's application was allowed as the civil court had jurisdiction over the matter and provided for custody and dissolution of the couple's marriage.
He had said the court had allowed the father limited visitation rights but not an overnight stay.
Faiz, however, said that his client would appeal against the decision.
In December last year, Deepa filed an application to obtain custody of the children and to quash the custody order by the Shariah Court.
The 30-year-old clerk from Jelebu said her husband had left her and her children three years ago and never supported them financially.
She found out that their children had been converted to Islam without her knowledge by her husband in April last year.
She also lodged a police report as the conversion of the children was against the law.

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