Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Gov't forced to clarify April Fool's RON95 joke

Have concerns over cost of living eaten into Malaysia's ability to take a joke? An April Fool's joke still making rounds today seems to suggest so. 
Reaction to the joke, on possible petrol subsidy cuts starting April 2 widely circulated on instant messaging application Whatsapp, has even now forced the government to step in to clarify matters. 
“NO reduction of subsidy by 30 sen for RON95, resulting in a higher petrol prices at midnight tonight. I want to deny this rumour. RON95 is still subsidised by 73 sen (per litre),” wrote Deputy Finance Minister Ahmad Maslan on Twitter at about 4pm today.

Ahmad emphasised the word “No” in capital letters.
In the April's Fool joke, Finance Minister Najib Abdul Razak is quoted as having announced that RON95 pump prices will go up 30 sen to RM2.40 per liter starting midnight Apr 2, 2014. 
The joke, which is written in news format had credited national newswire Bernama and told readers to refer Bernama's website for more details. 
Those who click on the link, purported to be for the Bernamawebsite, will actually be brought to a webpage which says “April Fools' Day April 1”.
Putrajaya has been on a charm campaign to convince Malaysians that subsidies for essential goods must be cut to allow the government to spend funds elsewhere.
The government has cut subsidies for cooking oil, petrol, sugar and has raised duties for tabacco in an aggressive push to cut fiscal deficit. 
Last September, an announcement that RON95 prices will go up by midnight had prompted long queues at petrol stations nationwide. 

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