Friday, April 11, 2014

HICKORY DICKORY DOCK: MH370 exposes the 'nursery rhyme' standard of Malaysia's govt

HICKORY DICKORY DOCK: MH370 exposes the 'nursery rhyme' standard of Malaysia's govt
If you criticized or doubted or even took the trouble to ask enquiring questions about how Malaysia is handling the MH370 crisis, you are immediately warned not to tarnish the government. You are advised to stand united for the nation in these trying endless weeks following the disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines 777 aircraft.
But now after almost 33 days as of today the 10th of April since the reported missing aircraft and all of its 239 human lives on board, we get to hear of yet another ‘pusing sini, pusing sana’ (turn here, turn there) revelation, akin to that nursery rhyme ‘Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock; hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran down the clock’.
While the local media is yet to report, Malaysia’s on-line media is now abuzz about a CNN claim that not only stops caring and patriotic Malaysians in their tracks but forces them to now take on the prime minister with some hard questions. (Of course people who do not care for this nation or have vested interests of patronage and rent-seeking will be the ones who will choose to carry on with their mundane lives without even asking serious questions.)
Institutionalized culture of dishonesty: Lies & incompetence 
According to the reports, CNN claims that Malaysia’s Royal Air Force “scrambled” into action almost eight hours after the plane went missing.
Not only that. The nation’s defense swung into action only after they were told about the missing civilian aircraft by the Malaysian Airlines people.
Mind you, that ill fated aircraft had lost contact with Malaysian air traffic as early as 1.20 am on the 8th of April and despite having cut across the peninsula, it takes the RMAF to scout the skies only after a good eight hours later.
Equally shocking is the report claiming that the DCA people and those engaged in the SAR operations were only informed by the thirty million population country’s Ariel defense fortress on March 11 – three long days after the reported disappearance, about the missing aircraft’s flight path tracking on their radar.
In other words, all those who were running helter-skelter to look for a lost Boeing and trying to save lives within the early critical time period, we have an air force that was like that mouse that ran up and down the clock, as it seemingly sat on the information.
Yet Najib will cover up and put pressure on Malay community to accept sub-standard rule
Now what is paralyzing is, we are not learning of this latest revelation from Putrajaya or its consecrated local media but from a foreign news media, CNN. and this makes it even worse for Malaysia.
If the prime minister cannot kick dust he better be prepared to explain all these revealing news outbreaks to King and citizens. Likewise if there is absolutely no truth in this CNN report, as our leader and in the best interest of our national integrity and reputation, Najib must sue the media off its butt and come clean.
Otherwise, it is time the patriotic citizens of Malaysia cleaned up the mess in the best interest of the nation’s security, reputation and for the love for King and country. - MAILBAG

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