Monday, April 14, 2014

Isma questions BM ad for Easter Musical

An Islamic organisation has questioned the motive behind a Bahasa Malaysia advertisement for an Easter Musical at a church in Seremban.

Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) Seremban chief Zamani Ibrahim said the advertisement is seen as an attempt to coax non-Christians to attend the coming event.

Zamani questioned the need to use BM in the advertisement when the Easter celebration is for those who practice the Christian faith.

He said most Christians are Chinese and Indians, whose main language of communication is English.

He also noted that the Easter celebration, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is in contradiction with Islamic teachings.

"In view of this... Seremban Isma urges the Negri Sembilan Islamic Affairs Department to monitor the Easter Musical," Zamani is quoted as saying by Ismaweb.

He  said this must be done to ensure that no Muslim participates in the event and there are no elements of preaching the Christian faith to Muslims.

The musical performance at the Agape Community Church is from April 18-20 and the banner states that admission is free.

Tension between the Church and Islamic groups like Isma have been high over the legal dispute concerning the use of the term Allah in the Malay language Bible.

Apart from this, there have also been accusations of churches proselytising to Muslims.

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