Sunday, April 13, 2014

Izwan: I must protect son's faith

Izwan Abdullah, a Muslim-convert accused of breaching a custody order by abducting his son from his ex-wife, said he did so to ensure his son remains a Muslim.

He said his lawyers will appeal the decision by the Seremban High Court to grant his ex-wife S Deepa custody of his son and daughter but was shocked to find out that she would soon take legal measures to reverse her children's conversion to Islam.

"I was most upset. This I can neither allow nor accept. When the High Court awarded her custody, she was supposed to provide for them and not challenge their conversion to Islam," he was quoted as saying by Star Online.

Deepa alleged her ex-husband had assaulted her and kidnappedtheir son two days after the High Court on April 7 granted the mother custody of the children - a son and daughter, aged six and nine respectively.

The tussle was controversial as Izwan, whose original name was N Viran, had converted to Islam along with his children and obtained custody of them in the syariah court.

The incident became the centre of attention after the Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar (left) refused to act against Izwan, citing the conflicting decisions by the civil and syariah court.

Instead, he urged the estranged couple to "talk it out".

Tourism Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz, who was previously de facto law minister, had slammed Khalid for not acting in a case of "clear-cut kidnapping".

The two children has been in Deepa's care despite the Syariah Court awarding Izwan custody last August.

Izwan told Star Online that Deepa was not fit to care for her children.

"I am prepared to compromise. She can see the children every day but they must stay with me.

"If they are taken away, I am sure she would turn them against Islam," he was quoted as saying.

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