Friday, April 4, 2014

Kidnapping case reignites IC imbroglio

Sabah DAP MPs have renewed a proposal to completely retract and re-issue identity cards for all Sabahans following another kidnapping incident of a Chinese tourist in Semporna last night.

Kota Kinabalu MP Jimmy Wong and Sandakan MP Stephen Wong made the proposal after criticising the Eastern Sabah Security Command (Esscom) for being "useless" and "ineffective" in curbing such incidents in the Sabahan east coast.

Since the Sulu incursion in Lahad Datu last year, the MPs noted three other incidents - two kidnappings of fishermen on their boats in April and November, and also the kidnapping of Taiwanese tourists at the Pom-Pom Island in November, which resulted in one death.

"Sabah has been intruded by foreigners. That is why Esscom has not been effective.

"Esscom should put more attention into this and the federal government should re-do all our ICs," Stephen said during a press conference at the Parliament lobby today.

“We feel that Esscom has to be answerable,” Stephen said.

He also said that while the security forces are beefing up security along the coasts, most of the kidnappers are intruders who are already in Sabah and are not coming from outside the country.

Jimmy, meanwhile, said that Esscom director-general Mohamad Mantek was “not a security person” and this urged the government to appoint more qualified individuals to lead Esscom.

“The federal government has to step in and renew ICs. We can’t take this any more. We will bring this up in Parliament if necessary,” he said.

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