Saturday, April 5, 2014

KJ: Anwar's MH370 claims 'ludicrous and offensive'

MH370 In a stinging series of tweets, Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar has slammed Anwar Ibrahim's claims that the government tried to suppress information related to the missing flight MH370.

Among others, Khairy described Anwar's statement as "unfounded mudslinging", "low-quality rant", "inappropriate" and a "new low" for the opposition leader.

"Anwar implying that Malaysian authorities are complicit in MH370 is as ludicrous as it is offensive. (He) has clearly sunk to a new low.

"While (the) Malaysian government together with our international partners are spending every minute finding MH370, Anwar is after political gains," he said.

Anwar, in an interview with the UK-based The Telegraph, claimed that the government is concealing critical information, and slammed the government for not acting earlier to prevent resources to waste days searching the South China Sea.

"They (the government) have the authority to instruct the air force... or Malaysia Airlines," he added.

Khairy countered that air force jets were not scrambled to intercept MH370 - then only an identified radar plot - because Malaysia is not at war and the civilian airliner was already on its way out of Malaysian airspace.

In addition, he said MH370 was following commercial air routes, and civilian aircraft frequently change course without being intercepted by military fighters.

"This unfounded mudslinging by Anwar on an international stage is complete inappropriate and unhelpful to search efforts," he said.

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