Sunday, April 20, 2014

May the spirit of Karpal Singh bless this land FOREVER & EVER

May the spirit of Karpal Singh bless this land FOREVER & EVER
At a time when the country's secular system is under threat, the progress of democracy being impeded and liberalism regressing, the sudden and untimely death of Karpal Singh has served to cast a gloomier cloud over the democratic struggle of this nation.
Karpal devoted his entire life for democracy, freedom and justice. He remained loyal to his principles until he drew his last breath, even if it means he had to offend some people or be served with death threats.
A truly rare phenomenon in Malaysian politics, with the passing of Karpal Singh, who else would have the great courage to check the advances of conservatism and extremism? Little wonder extreme politicos have taken delight in his sudden demise.
Karpal's most precious qualities during his 4-decade long political career were his undying spirit and strong characters which transcended his physical limitations during his final years. In 2005, he was paralyzed from waist down in a severe road accident. Since then his health had been compromised and his life, fragile. Although he had to be wheelchair bound for the rest of his years, he remained audacious in forging ahead fearlessly and selflessly, including his expressed intention of suing the Sultan of Perak in 2009, a move that put him under a sedition charge. Other people would have backed off from such an unrewarding endeavor and would opt instead an easier retirement.
Other than defending the country's Constitution and judiciary independence, Karpal was also an uncompromising defender of human rights. In 1977, for instance, he helped a 14-year-old Chinese teenager Lim Hang Seoh escape the gallows on the charge of firearms possession.
Each time he visited the boy in the prison, he would be asked whether he had brought food and chocolate, and why there was no place for recreation in the prison.
In his biography, he said, "He's a naughty boy. Nobody hangs naughty boys, do they? He does not want to know the issues of the case. He's only concerned about chocolate."
Life is priceless. A 14-year-old boy should not be sent to the gallows. Karpal defended the boy because of his unwavering stand in his belief.
There are few in politics today that know how to draw a line between what is right and what is wrong, and would stay loyal to their righteous cause.
In the name of so-called political gains and powers, politicians keep changing their principles and such an attitude has dragged down with it the country's democratic progress. Worst of all, the country is getting increasingly Islamized, our secular system under imminent threat.
People embracing different religions used to communicate well and be mutually understanding with one another, but because of the ill motive of securing broader political support, some have opted the "divide and rule" tactic, merging religion with politics. And we have seen political leaders self declaring that Malaysia is already an Islamic state.
Competition in Islamization race spawns a wide range of religious conflicts, controversies over the word "Allah" being a classical example.
The Selangor Religious Department (JAIS) raided the Bible Society of Malaysia on January 2 this year, confiscating 321 copies of Malay Bible, 10 copies of Iban Bible and 20 copies of Malay version Gospel according to Luke. The federal and Selangor state governments had been passing the ball to each other over this incident. In the end, the Bible Society of Malaysia was determined to move its headquarters from Selangor to Kuala Lumpur in a silent protest against the incapability of our politicians.
The recent case involving the custody of a child in proselytization has sparked controversies over the jurisdictions of civil and syariah courts. The best way to resolve such an impasse is to amend the Constitution, but who would have the guts to propose such a constitutional amendment?
To check the advances of Umno and to turn its own political destiny around, PAS has decided to table a private motion in the Parliament in June to implement the hudud law in Kelantan.
Once the hudud law is adopted, there will be no turning back, and political manipulation will become very much a reality then.
If Karpal were still around, he would have said, "Hudud law over my dead body!"
Without a true sense of responsibility from our political leaders, the fanatics will have their day, and our secular system will sooner or later be crushed.
Politics is not all about personal gains, and the rules of the game must be conformed to at all times. Karpal has even hit out at Anwar Ibrahim for attempting to take over the federal administration by way of soliciting the support of rival MPs.
Our world will be devoid of scandals and vicious political squabble if all politicians would emulate Karpal Singh.
Even to this day the authorities still violate human rights citing various reasons. Our society simply needs more people like Karpal Singh to defend our fundamental rights.
We have too many hypocrites in the Malaysian politics. We are in dire need of people like Karpal Singh who will tread where no one else has the courage to do.
May the spirit of Karpal Singh bless this land forever and ever.

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