Monday, April 7, 2014

MH370 intentionally avoided radar detection, reports CNN

MH370 is believed to have deliberately avoided Indonesian airspace in its flight to the souther Indian Ocean. – April 6, 2014.MH370 is believed to have deliberately avoided Indonesian airspace in its flight to the souther Indian Ocean. – April 6, 2014.Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is believed to have intentionally flown along a route designed to avoid radar detection, CNN reported today.
The network quoted a senior Malaysian government source as saying MH370 flew north of Indonesia.
"MH370 is believed to have flown around Indonesia's airspace in its journey to the southern Indian Ocean," the official told CNN.
CNN reported that investigators reached this conclusion after reviewing radar track data from neighbouring countries.
"MH370 did not fly over Indonesia or its airspace after making a westward turn in the South China Sea and flying across the Malaysian peninsular."
CNN aviation specialist Peter Goelz said the information only confirms what was going on in the cockpit was deliberate..
He told CNN that it takes a considerable amount of skill and knowledge of the airspace to pilot a plane this way.
“It's not something that’s just done on the spur of the moment. It would have been planned, so it is very disturbing, but it is starting to form a pattern that is pointing to increased emphasis on the cockpit,” he said.
Search teams looking for MH370 are now scouring the Indian Ocean to investigate a number of sounds detected by vessels in the area.
However, it has yet to be ascertained if any of the sounds are from MH370's flight recorder, or black box.
CNN reported that a British Royal Navy vessel was on its way to an area where a Chinese ship reportedly picked up electronic signals twice.
The Australian naval ship Ocean Shield is also pursuing an acoustic sound which it detected in a different area.
At a press conference, Angus Houston said the detections were an important and encouraging lead.
However, Houston, who is the head of the Australian agency coordinating search operations, cautioned against being overexcited.
"These detections have to be treated carefully as they have not been verified as being related to MH370," CNN quoted Houston as saying.
Flight MH370 departed from Kuala Lumpur on March 8 with 12 crew members and 227 passengers.
The flight disappeared at 1.20am and there has been no clues to its whereabouts despite various dubious sightings.

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