Thursday, April 10, 2014

MH370: Was there a conspiracy?

Here are 10 questions that seem to point towards some form of conspiracy.
MH 370 NewFrom the time Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared on March 8, 2014, we had abstained from commenting or writing anything about it in spite of busybodies coming to our coffee table at Gaya Street daily when the issue was still hot; this is because, as far as we are concerned, the matter has nothing to do with the political and economic interests of Sabah and Sarawak.
If MH370 was destined to end catastrophically together with its precious human cargo and should such came to be and cause the downfall of the tyrannical government of Malaysia, so be it; and may God Almighty have mercy on all those poor souls on board and compassion on their loved ones who have to move on in life with their indescribable emotional losses.
Today, we join our hands in spirit with the victims on board and reach out in solidarity to their families on the ground and to all the good people around the world where ever you are who sympathize with them.
When we were young pupils our masters taught us to always expose conspiracies that harm the welfare of the masses, even when it was not our briefs; and to dispel falsehoods, all we need to do is to cast suggestive but significant doubts to the attention of the public and let the people draw up their own intelligent conclusions (if any).
Let us look at a report published in a New York media recently.
Of all the blunders made by the Malaysian authorities listed down chronologically in the American report, we will only deal with the ones on March 9 and 13, 2014.
(1) March 9 - Five hours after it happened, state-owned Malaysia Airlines finally confirms that MH370 has disappeared.
Question 1
Why was the transponder switched off?
Firstly, it was to make the aircraft inert to secondary radar so that civil air controllers cannot identify it.
Did the culprit(s) who did it also did not want their conversations with the control tower recorded?
Question 2
Why did the aircraft make a left turn back into Malaysian airspace after switching off its tracking device?
If an unidentified aircraft was to encroach into Thailand or Vietnamese airspace, what are the chances it would not be shot down?
Question 3
Why did our Asean neighbours’ air forces not scramble fighter jets to intercept the unidentified aircraft even though the same appeared on their military radar?
Was it because it was within Malaysian airspace all that time?
(2) March 13 – Malaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein denies a Wall Street Journal report claiming that the plane flew for as many as four hours after disappearing from tracking systems. The government would later accept the version of events.
Question 4
Assuming that the aircraft flew for not less than four hours within Malaysian and international airspace before MAS finally announced its disappearance in the fifth hour later, what was the likelihood that the cockpit was in constant communication with the control tower before negotiations broke down completely rendering MAS unable to conceal the runaway plane?
Question 5
It was reported that the pilot of MH370 was a relative of Anwar Ibrahim and PKR life member who attended the Court of Appeal hearing on March 7, 2014 which sentenced the Opposition Leader to five years imprisonment for the crime of sodomy.
If there really were negotiations with the crew and passengers of MH370 as hostages between the cockpit and the control tower on March 8, 2014 which could have lasted for up to four hours before collapsing in the fifth, what do readers think should be the highly probable ransom – the freedom of Anwar Ibrahim?
Question 6
If the pilot was suicidal because his marriage broke down, could he not have crashed the plane anywhere in Malaysia after the U-turn?
Question 7
Until today no aircraft debris or human remains could be found, could it have meant that it has never crashed in the first place?
If this hijacking was politically motivated, would dead hostages be of any value?
Question 8
What are the chances that Anwar will be acquitted by the Federal Court on appeal, the hostages suddenly rescued from somewhere remote thereafter, and the world is fed with another fantastic Hollywood-style story?
Question 9
Last week Anwar accused the government of covering up the truth about MH370; does this not mean that he knew of the conspiracy?
The families of the Chinese victims from China were also saying the same last month!
Question 10
When a small space capsule returning from outer space can be pinpointed its location the second it impacted into any ocean in the last century, how is it probable that an aircraft many times larger crashing into the Indian Ocean cannot be found?
The author is a retiree in Kota Kinabalu but do, depending on health, time, and interest, blog at giving no quarters to anyone.

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