Tuesday, April 15, 2014

MIC Youth flays 'irresponsible' Zahid

MIC Youth chief C Sivaraajh has criticised Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's statement that the police will not take any action against a Muslim convert father who snatched his six-year-old son from his Hindu ex-wife in Negri Sembilan last week.

He was "taken aback by the home minister's irresponsible statement" in relation to S Deepa's case, Sivaraajh said in a statement today.

"A minister who is guarding home affairs should not be issuing such a lame statement and wash his hands off the matter," he said.

Sivaraajh was referring to Zahid's brief statement that he agreed with the position of the police not to take action against convert Izwan Abdullah, who snatched away his son from his ex-wife Deepa last Wednesday.

Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar said Izwan and Deepa (right in photo) should settle the matter among themselves, referring to the syariah court's order granting custody of the couple’s two children to Izwan, and the civil court’s decision last week to grant custody to Deepa.

"If both individuals, the home minister and the IGP, fail to respond on this matter, we sincerely urge attorney-general (AG) Gani Patail to put his hand to resolving the matter," Sivaraajh (right) said.

"The AG should come up with a complete set of legislation that will once and for all settle issues triggered when one spouse embraces another religion," he said.

He said the police and the Home Ministry should adhere to the ruling made by the High Court in Seremban last Monday.

"In upholding the federal constitution, the police should exercise their duty towards the public, hence it should take a stronger role in getting back Deepa's son from her former husband.

"The police and Home Ministry must abide by the verdict delivered by the High Court and help Deepa to get back her son," Sivaraajh added.

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