Sunday, April 20, 2014

Nawawi: Netizens made me see my mistake

Umno's Langkawi MP Nawawi Ahmad says the outrage that broke out in cyberspace over his remarks about the death of Bukit Gelugor MP Karpal Singh had made him rethink his actions and realise he had done wrong.

"After two days looking at the unhappy responses on Facebookand social media, it made me rethink the statement. I re-read it several times, only then I realised (why) so many people were upset, it was very inappropriate," he told a press conference tonight.

Nawawi, who earlier today posted an apology on Facebook, said he also wanted make a personal apology.

He had on April 17, the same day Karpal died in a car crash, posted a collage of Karpal's bloodied body coupled with an old news report quoting the DAP man as saying that an Islamic state would only be possible "over my dead body".

“Would anyone like to take on Karpal's challenge? Please give your names (Siapa nak sambut cabaran Karpal, sila bagi nama). Hehe.”

At the press conference tonight, Nawawi said he had seen the collage on the Internet and had copied and pasted it to hisFacebook using his iPhone.

"The iPhone screen was small so I did not see the image clearly... Later, when I looked at it on the computer screen I realised this is not something good to circulate," he said.

Asked when went through his mind when he wrote the message which accompanied the collage, Nawawi said Karpal's challenge on Islamic state was the first thing that came to mind and he had written it without giving it any second thoughts.

Nawawi said his apology came two days later because he only arrived in Kuala Lumpur from Sarawak today.

He added that he cannot make it to Karpal's funeral tomorrow but would like to extend his personal apology to Karpal's family should  he gets the chance.

'Unbecoming of an MP'

"There are two things that I realised which went wrong. Firstly, it was not appropriate for me or my (Facebook) administrators to cut and paste the picture of late YB Karpal Singh.

"Secondly, it was unbecoming or not acceptable for myself as an MP to write a note on the status 'siapa nak sambut cabaran Karpal, sila bagi nama'.

"After some harrowing days and nights of thinking, I have reached to a conclusion that I have done something unethical or unacceptable by the public at large and I truly regret of doing so," he said.

Nawawi (left), a first-term MP, said he had posted casually on Facebook in the past without any issues.

"Perhaps because I am MP now, so people take more notice of my personal account but I was not alert about it as it had never been a problem.

"I deeply regret for what has happened. I am sorry, I know I hurt the feelings of many and I feel terrible about it.

"I promise to be more cautious and careful on my future postings on Facebook," he said.

Nawawi also praised Karpal as a man of "principle, integrity and courage" and gave his condolences to the bereaved family.

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