Monday, April 7, 2014

Shut up about hudud, Isma warns non-Muslims

April 4, 2014
Isma said today that non-Muslims must not comment on how hudud is executed. 

KUALA LUMPUR, Apr 4 — Non-Muslims must not comment on the execution of hudud, Islamist group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) said today, despite the possible effects of the Islamic penal law on the community.

The group claimed that non-Muslims were not entitled to broach the subject, and must recognise the sovereignty of Islam and the Malay race as part of — according to Isma — the price the group paid in return for being given citizenships in this country.

“Non-Muslims do not have the rights to question the rights of Muslims to implement Islam as the perfect system for living in this country,” Isma president Abdullah Zaik Abd Rahman said in the group’s website here.

To back his argument, Abdullah insisted that Islam and the Malay community have held sovereignty over Malaysia for ages.

“Therefore, non-Muslims can be involved in politics to voice out the interests of their own races but there must be limits,” he added.

Abdullah also accused some non-Muslims lawmakers of being “greedy”, by interfering in the alleged exclusive rights and interests of the Malays and Bumiputera, whom he claimed are the original settlers of the land.

This comes as Kelantan prepares to propose two private bills in Parliament in its bid to remove any obstacles to its implementation of hudud by 2015.

DAP’s chairman Karpal Singh had criticised the move, calling the application of the Islamic penal code unconstitutional and ill-advised.

At its annual congress in November last year, PAS revisited its bid to revise federal law to enable the nationwide enforcement of the strict Islamic penal code, which it had buried previously in the run-up to Election 2013.

The Islamist party introduced hudud in Kelantan and Terengganu, but has not been able to enforce them due to the conflict with federal constitution.

The Barisan Nasional’s Chinese component, MCA, and PAS’s allies from DAP and PKR have argued that hudud will turn Malaysia into an Islamic theocracy and dilute the country’s image as a multi-religious nation.
My comments :  You can see here the dumbing down of Malaysia. They are just becoming dumb and dumber. 

These people know jack sh*t about hudud or sharia and yet they are saying all kinds of wild stuff about hudud.

To all you Pakatan supporters please remember this name ISMA carefully. In the last general elections ISMA fielded 20 candidates. They all lost. But as you can see they are not going away.  Who are this ISMA? Where did they get the money to pay the RM5000 deposit for 20 candidates?

The Red Bean Army better be alerted. 

UMNO is now becoming dUMNO with this talk about supporting hudud. Jamil Khir Baharom seems to be leading the charge down the slippery slope into the club of doom.  To all the progressive Malays and Muslims in the country as well as all the moderates and progressives among the non Malays - do not just sit on your backside and do nothing while the country slips and slides.

You want to vote for the Pakatan? PAS is over there. So is ISMA. Time is running out.

The time has come where right thinking Malaysians, who are anti corruption and who have better ideas for a better Malaysia step forward and organise themselves.

The political parties (which have done so much for the country) have now lost the plot. The religious freaks are now taking over the asylum.

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