Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sivan temple: Assemblyman fears ISA

Rajiv Rishyakaran keeps away from the temple issue as he fears suffering the same fate as Teresa Kok
Rajiv RishyakaranPETALING JAYA: Selangor state assemblyman Rajiv Rishyakaran pleads to Hindu Sangam to organize a religious discussion between temple officials and the disabled community to reach an amicable solution.
“I urge and plead with the Hindu Sangam to step up to their duty as the representatives of
Malaysian Hindus and help organize a theological discussion between both parties so that a solution can be reached,” Rajiv said.
He explained that the discussion will certainly clear up the lingering matters that both the disabled community and the temple officials are dealing with.
“They should have a calm and rational dialogue taking into account different issues or ideas and come to a respectful resolution,” he added.
Rajiv said this in response to the Disabled Persons Association Of Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan’s (Damai) peaceful protest yesterday morning at the foothills of the Bukit Gasing Sivan temple which ended with verbal arguments between them and the temple president.
When confronted about his lack of involvement as a Selangor’s state assemblyman,
Rajiv said that he does not want to end up like Teresa Kok who was detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) for allegedly asking a mosque to ‘lower down the volume’ during azan.
“This is a sensitive issue. Government officials should not dictate how a religious body conducts its business. It will lead to all sorts of problems.
“This is an issue which must be solved within the community itself,” he pointed out.
Rajiv also urged other temple associations to weigh in on the matter.
“It is best to have other temples engage the Bukit Gasing Sivan temple so that an exchange of ideas and solutions can come to pass,” he proposed.

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