Sunday, June 1, 2014

Enough of histrionics, reveal Perkasa’s accounts

YOURSAY ‘Please disclose your source of the funding if you believe in transparency.’

No gov't funding for Europe, fumes Ibrahim Ali

Oriole: Dear Ibrahim Ali, enough of the rhetoric and hysterics. These verbal outbursts belong in the dark ages.

Here is a simple question: Where is this funding coming from? Be transparent and that will be the end of discussion. If you can't answer the question, people will want to know why.

It is the people's money that they are worried about, and the people are the bosses - yes, even the celaka ones!

David: The government has admitted in Parliament to funding Perkasa, so stop pointing your cannons at Malaysiakini.

There was no mention of your "this project or that project" in that disbursement of funds so please don't try to hoodwink Malaysians with your emotions and anger.

It remains that taxpayers’ monies have been spent on an extreme bigotry organisation.

Trublumalaysian: Ibrahim, Perkasa had already admitted to earlier government funding so, you cannot accuse anyone for assuming as such. So why all the barking and "colourful" language - dajjal, dog, swine, prostitute and sebagainya.

Your somewhat limited vocabulary skills pretty much fortifies the fact that you can come out of Umno Baru but it'll never come out of you.

Ipohcrite: No specific government funding for Perkasa-Europe perhaps, but Perkasa receives government funding to fund its activities, no? As a taxpayer, can't I question the government on this?

Mohgui: Why are you so uptight about the Malaysiakini headline, Ibrahim Ali? The headline was merely asking a question. It didn't imply anything.

Is it even wrong in asking the question? Or are you really guilty of it? There's a saying in Malay (in case you didn't know), "Siapa makan cabai, dialah berasa pedas." (Whoever eats the chilli will taste its heat).

From the words you used and your actions, it clearly show that Umno Malays and their ilk are an intolerant lot. I suggest you better go brush up on your English now that you are in London.

Anonymous_3faa: The expletives used by Ibrahim Ali degrade the English language. When you are in London, make sure you show the few curious onlookers there your command of the Queen's English.

Mr Bean would be delighted to have you as his sidekick in his new series.

Doc: Kudos to Ibrahim Ali for bringing Perkasa to the United Kingdom. It's time the "equal rights" loving British people be exposed and thought how to racist.

Who better to educate them than Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali. I suggest that Ibrahim Ali permanently move there.

Negarawan: We hope there will be major protests and demonstrations in London on Perkasa's extremist Islamic and racial supremacist activities.

The UK government should arrest Ibrahim Ali and the participants of this extremist group as it poses a big risk to racial and religious disturbances, and potential terrorist acts.

London should also send a diplomatic protest note to PM Najib Razak, as the president of Umno, who is the main sponsor of Perkasa.

Payee: Let Perkasa opens its branch in UK first. Then we send a memorandum of protest to the British High Commission in Kuala Lumpur about this racist NGO.

Surely Najib has some explaining to do to the UK government after that.

Liujinzhong: Surely a person who often use such words to express his hate cannot last for long. Soon his fuel will run out and he will disappear to where no one knows.

Vgeorgemy: Ibrahim Ali, we are serious. Please disclose your source of the funding if you believe in truth and honesty.

Swipenter: How the radical Muslim clerics can defend and voice out their ideology and hate speeches in London is because over there freedom of speech and expression is a basic democratic right.

They will never be able to have this basic freedom elsewhere except in democratic countries like England.

But their defense of Islamic radicalism and dogmatism inevitability falls back on one single cannot be proven fact; the will of Allah, when they cannot debate you logically and factually.

So Ibrahim Ali can go over there to defend Bolehland's policies of racial discrimination, racial superiority aka Ketuanan Melayu doctrine, entitlements based on race, racial politics, etc, derived on divine source of the world's best religion.

Cry, My Beloved Country: The very abusive words and the foul language best describe the personality and mindset of this uncouth character. He does what comes naturally.

Vijay47: Malaysiakini, I am extremely alarmed and offended by the revelation that you are related to dogs and pigs.

I am just recovering from the exposure to porcine DNA I suffered through consuming Cadbury chocolates and to be further threatened now by risks of canine origin may perhaps be more than my tender health can stomach.

Please let readers know of the measures you have taken and will be taking to protect us from the ravages of animal diseases and in particular, kindly advise us as to any possible need for complete blood transfusion.

I hope I am not barking up the wrong tree and should you comply with my demand, for sure I will not cry 'wolf' nor squeal on you. -Mkini

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