Thursday, May 1, 2014

Over 25,000 hit KL's streets to protest GST


More than 10,000 are expected to gather for the first major protest of 2014 as a coalition of 89 NGOs organise the May Day rally to campaign against the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak announced in his 2014 budget speech last October that GST will take effect in April 2015. It has sparked concerns that prices of goods will soar and add to the burden of the average Malaysian household.

The rally, coinciding with Labour Day celebrations worldwide, is themed "Anti GST- Until it is dropped" and is expected to be attended by opposition leaders including Anwar Ibrahim.

Participants will gather at four points- KLCC, Sogo, Dataran Maybank, Jalan Raja Laut before marching to Jalan Raja, the road adjacent to Dataran Merdeka for the rally, scheduled between 2pm to 5pm.

Malaysiakini brings you the live reports as the May Day rally unfolds.


2:40pm: Dataran Merdeka - As the marchers from various points converge here the crowds totaling at least 25,000 surge around the iconic square in a sea of people pressed against one another and greeting one another.

From Masjid Negara the rallyers stretching from the mosque to the Dataran includes PAS Youth secretary Mohd Nasaie Ismail.

He shouts "Merdeka (Independence)" and motions the crowd to proceed into the Dataran.

Elsewhere a PAS leader with a loudhailer shouts, "Merdeka from who? Merdeka from the BN! We are not waiting for President Obama to come down...we are waiting for Najib to come down from power,"

The crowd is then urged to sit down.

2:30pm: KLCC - The roads along Dataran Merdeka are packed with rallyers from various directions.

The crowd at KLCC has also started marching there. PSM secretary general S Arutchelvan leads the group and chants "Rise, rise, rise people!"

Also spotted here are former Bersih chief S Ambiga and Suaram adviser Kua Kia Soong.

Public buses are seen trapped behind the procession.

2.20pm: Jalan Tun Perak - The crowd that had set off from Dataran Maybank are now slowly entering Jalan Raja.

Along the way, some intersections have been closed to traffic by the police to allow the crowd to pass, while others were closed by Unit Amal personnel.

The atmosphere is carnival-like with trumpets blowing in every direction while crowds chant slogans such as "Stop GST" and "Reformasi".

The presence of large crowds at intersections have also triggered an automated warning systems built there.

"You are obstructing traffic. Please remove your vehicle from the yellow box," an artificial voice announces, but there are only people there, who completely ignore it.

About 10 minutes later, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim arrives at the intersection of Jalan Tun Perak and Jalan Raja, prompting crowds to swarm around him.

2.25pm: The crowds gathered in the city at the various points are now estimated at 10,000 in total.

2.16pm: Masjid Negara - PAS vice president Datuk Mahfuz Omar and Pakatan heads lead over  5,000 to march from towards Dataran while Unit Amal controls the crowd.

Along the way they chant, "Down with BN, down with GST".

2.16pm: Dataran Merdeka - Police hold the crowds at both ends of Dataran Merdeka, keeping the 6-lane street across Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad empty. Thousands have assembled at both ends, eager to occupy the space, shouting and cheering. A helicopter is seen circling above.

Although the participants have pass through the blockade, they are stopped by PAS Unit Amal at the junction between Jalan Raja and Jalan Mahkamah Persekutuan.

"Let's do it in stages," a Unit Amal personnel tells Malaysiakinireferring to how the participants will eventually occupy the whole Jalan Raja.

They are waiting for participants from other gathering points to reach this final destination of the rally.

There are over one hundred police personnel present but they have done nothing to stop the crowd.

Meanwhile, Suhakam commissioner James Nayagam is happy that the rally is peaceful so far.

"This is what we encourage, this is freedom of assembly," he says when interviewed by reporters at the sidelines of Dataran Merdeka.

2pm: Dataran Merdeka - A Penangite in a wheelchair, Mohd Hafiz, 35, rolls in with the crowd to fight GST and support hudud.

"The rising cost of living is killing me," he tells Malaysiakini.

Hafiz, paralysed since he was two years old, has come down from Penang with the help of two good friends. He is resting under a tree.

2pm: KLCC Jalan Ampang entrance - The crowd listens to speeches from several NGO representatives such as student leader Mohd Bukhairy Sufian and anti-Lynas activist Wong Tack.

KLCC security guard the mall entrance and watch the proceedings and are seen preventing anyone with anti-GST headbands or flags from entering.

1.45pm: Masjid Negara - After zohor prayers thousands listen to speeches by Pakatan Rakyat leaders like Hatta Ramli, Saifuddin Nasution, Khalid Samad, Suhaizan Kaiat, Anuar Tahir.

They are speaking from a lorry prepared by PAS. The crowd here estimates 5,000.

PAS Youth election director Mohd Sani Hamzan warns if the government implements GST and signs the TPPA, the country will finish off BN.

"Wait for the moment of BN's demise in GE14," he says, to chants of "Down with BN, reject BN!"

Hatta in his speech says Pakatan has continuously argued against GST but it is still being implemented.

"The (parliamentary) debates of PAS predisent Hadi Awang, PKR chief Anwar Ibrahim and DAP parliamentary leder Lim Kit Siang, all these have completely been ignored and they still passed the GST without considering the hardships of the people," he says.

"Rubber prices are down, and the government doesn't take notice. The people are facing hardship, and we are asking them not to implement GST," he adds.

He calls on the people to continue to pressure the government so it knows it is unpopular and would hopefully put off the tax.

"This is a crucial rally, it's not a waste of time," he stresses, to chants of "Reject GST" and "Down with Najib".

He reminds the people how the government has used the Internal Security Act against the people but it was eventually abolished after repeated rallies from the people to push for change.

"It was eventually eliminated by the power of the people, the power of hope," he says.

2.05pm Dataran Maybank - In a sea of red, some 3,000 protestors begin their march towards Dataran Merdeka.

In the lead are several lines of Unit Amal personnel locking arms to form a human wall, while others divert traffic.

2.00pm Dataran Merdeka - It's time for the actual event to start, and around 3,000 people, mostly dressed in red, start entering Jalan Raja.

Earlier, the crowd gathers and listen to Uncle Saw from Pandan, reciting Malay pantun fluently. Videos of the elderly Chinese man had previously gone viral on Facebook. He is here rapping about a corrupt government that doesn't care about the people's woes.

1.35 pm: KLCC Jalan Ampang entrance - Participants are sitting around the entrance and Chegubard and PSM central committee member Choo Choon Kai lead them in several songs while they wait to march.

1.30pm Dataran Maybank - The crowd here has grown to about 1,000, cramming on the narrow sidewalks and staircases to Maybank's office.

Some of the crowd has also spilled over to the curb across the road, but that too quickly becomes crowded.

Among the leaders sighted here are PKR vice president Tian Chua and former DAP election publicity chief Hew Kuan Yau.

Hew, sometimes known by his moniker 'Superman' is planning to stay at Dataran Merdeka overnight in protest of the tax.

Meanwhile, protesters are displaying anti-GST placards at passing motorists and some of them honk back in support, including an LRT train traveling on the nearby flyover. Chants of Reformasi can be heard at a distance.

Unit Amal personnel are regulating the traffic to ensure that it flows smoothly and that protestors don't stray too far onto the road.

1:20pm: Dataran Merdeka - The marching comes to a halt after a brief 10 minute walk from Sogo as they arrive. To avoid the scorching sun, they crowd around sheltered areas, under big trees and traffic dividers under the LRT tracks waiting for more to arrive, watching traffic go by.

Only Unit Amal members dressed in vermillion long-sleeved shirts and dark pants take advantage of the break to perform their afternoon prayers, prostrating and standing in orderly lines.

They also form a blockade to prevent people from entering Jalan Raja ahead of the event starting at 2pm.

1.17pm Dataran Merdeka - The 500-strong crowd has occupied the junction of Jalan Parlimen and Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman.

They are chanting slogans such as, "Long live the people", "Reject GST" and "Reformasi".

The traffic police are helping with the traffic. Jalan Raja, the rally's final destination remains closed.

1.15 pm: KLCC Jalan Ampang entrance - The businessman embroi;ed in the National Feedlot Corporation issue Shamsubahrin Ismail is seen controlling traffic at his rented cars business.

He says he is there to ensure his operations are smooth.

"The objective of this rally is good, and I see so far that it is peaceful," he tells Malaysiakini when met.

1.15 pm: Masjid Negara - A Unit Amal member from PAS Hulu Langat tells the crowd not to believe fake stickers that say 'Hudud for all, Muslim and non-Muslim' calling it provocation.

He says it is an act by irresponsible parties and not the organisers.

"It is not by us. This is to provoke our peaceful gathering," he says, adding PAS officials have found "many" of such fake stickers.

He shows the sticker to the media.

A participant from Penang meanwhile has found a sticker earlier at Kota Raya that says 'Hudud is barbaric' illustrated with a caricature of three hooded men whipping a character bearing the DAP logo.

"This is terrible, because today we are protesting GST. This is provocation.

"They just want to make us quarrel amongst ourselves," says the participant who didn't want to be named.

1.12pm: Dataran Merdeka - A government servant tellsMalaysiakini he is determined to participate in the rally.

The father of three, who only wants to be known as Hisham, is here with his entire family all dressed in red.

They came down from Perlis yesterday.

"This is not a matter of being a government servant. Government servants are also affected by GST.

"If only my wife and I participate in this event, then in the future our kids will suspect us of supporting GST.

"If we only tell them about this in future, they would not be able to witness this. So we want to give them a chance to remember this," he tells Malaysiakini.

1:05 pm: Sogo - About 2,000 gathered start marching into the street, heading south towards Dataran Merdeka along Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman.

They occupy the street in both directions.

1pm: KLCC - About 300 are gathered near the Coach boutique on the Jln Ampang side, dressed in red.

Spotted in black Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (Samm) gear is their leader Chegubard along with former Kota Damansara assemblyperson Nasir Hashim.

1pm: Sogo - There is little space left. Almost every square metre of the entire 100 metre pavement outside the shopping centre is now taken over by standing protestors.

Many spill onto the other side of the street.

The crowd is chanting and cheering, "Reformasi," and "Tolak GST," in unison and vuvuzelas are blasting away.

12:45 pm: Sogo -Three busloads of young PAS supporters from Kuala Terengganu have come to protest the GST.

About 20 of them are here, holding out flags and banners and wearing green headbands. Some wear white songkoks. They are all from one kampung, Batu Enam in Kuala Terengganu. The protestors say they want to ask PM Najib Razak's government, "Why are you burdening us?"

12:30pm: The crowd is swelling outside Sogo, vuvuzelas consistently blasting away. From across the street, it looks like it is bleeding red on the pavements.

Traffic is slow but moving, mostly because cars are slowing down to look at the activity.

A group of friends from Setiawan don hard hats to celebrate Labour Day and protest. They are cheerful.

"We hate GST. If you owe money, pay your own debts - why burden the rakyat?" one of the Perakians ask the government.

12.37pm: Dataran Merdeka - Two Chinese tourist when met say they are not worried at the sight of over one hundred police personnel surrounding Dataran Merdeka.

The first time visitors remain relaxed, and one who wants to remain anonymous tells Malaysiakini the rally shows the government is willing to listen to the people.

"We are not really shocked or worried, the atmosphere is somehow very relaxed.

"This is a very rare sight in China," she says.

Although the iconic square is sealed off, police still allow the tourists to pass through the blockade and they proceed to take photos at the tourist spot.

12.30pm: Dataran Maybank - A group of about 50 Unit Amal personnel listen intently as their officers give a briefing on the route and on crowd management.

"Do not do anything unless ordered otherwise, clear? Takbir!" the officer says before the group disperses into smaller groups.

12pm: Penang - The event comes to a close after a few speakers address workers' issues on stage and the organisers express their warm gratitude to those present and to the police for their cooperation. The crowd of about 300 disperses peacefully

12pm: Dataran Maybank - Over 200 gather here, some with banners 'GST burdens the rakyat', 'How are the rakyat expected to live?' and 'Suffer Suffer Suffer'.

About 50 PAS' Unit Amal are here but not political leaders are seen yet. About 20 police personnel are present.

KLCC - Some participants are hanging out at the fountain at the park, and five metres away several uniformed police officers without badges are spotted.

11.30am: Dataran DBKL near Dataran Merdeka - The area is cordoned off by plastic dividers and uniformed DBKL personnel are guarding the perimeter.

12pm: Dataran Merdeka - As the start of the event approaches the situation remains calm. Over a one hundred gather around Jalan Parlimen around the independent square.

However, those present are still resting and have not started chanting or raising placards. The field of Dataran Merdeka is completely sealed off.

Meanwhile, there are over a hundred people gathered at Masjid Jamek LRT station and some hawkers are there selling food and beverages and red T-shirts.

11:50am: Sogo - 
Numbers grow as about 500 flood the Sogo shopping centre's entrance.

PAS leaders Hatta Ramli and Kamaruddin Jaafar are spotted and many go up to take photos with them.

As people crowd around the duo Sog's security asks participants not to obstruct the entrance and place a barrier.

About 10 uniformed police officers are seen here.

Meanwhile The Loaf, an upscale bakery at Sogo's entrance is doing brisk business as protestors wearing protest T-shirts sip on designer coffee while watching the crowd swell on the curb outside.

Many patrons are spotted snapping photographs with their smartphones and tablets as protestors outside unfurl banners and start chanting slogans on the roadside.

11.30am Masjid Negara - PAS Kedah information chief Sanusi Mohd Noor says that the government must take note of the people's protest.

"The government must not be deaf. There will be more protests if the government refuses to listen," he warns.

11.25am KLCC - About a dozen or so people in red shirts have gathered at the KLCC park while some 100 police personnel are stationed nearby.

11.15am: Penang - Representatives from Suaram Penang branch and university students stage a series of performances to bring home the anti GST message and illustrate the hardship felt by workers.

They start with a poem "Apa Guna" composed by Wiji Thukul, follow by a peasant song "Buruh Tani'.

Lastly, a mini play is staged to explain how GST is a tool to benefit the richest 1 percent in the country.

11:15am: Sogo Shopping Centre - Peddlers line the streets, hawking to those walking past and to about 200 protestors gathered.

Among various red-themed items on sale are vuvuzelas, printed head and arm bands, Bersih yellow T-shirts, 'anonymous' masks, and making a debut at this rally is the skeletal mask.

The mask goes for RM10 each and RM15 for two. Vendors say it's useful for those who wish to stay anonymous.

When asked if there is any deeper meaning to the skeletal design, they remarked that they are just trying to make a quick buck.

11.19am: Dataran Merdeka - Although the organisers had reached a consensus after several rounds of meetings with the police for permission to gather at Jalan Raja, the authorities have nevertheless sealed the particular road.

Vehicles are not allowed to pass through the road, which is between Dataran Merdeka field and Sultan Abdul Samad building.

However, civilians are still allowed to pass through the blockade where more than one hundred people are present, resting at several spots while waiting for the actual event to begin.

Heavy police presence is spotted at the road but there is no sign of the FRU.

11am: The entrance to Masjid Negara has been closed to traffic. There are three traffic policemen at the entrance. Rally participants are beginning to gather outside the mosque.

10.40am: Penang - MTUC Penang division chairman S Ravindran blames the current low turnout so far on the several news dailies casting a negative image on the rally by claiming it is illegal.

Penang police initially deemed the May 1 rally  illegal several days ago but eventually gave the green light to the organisers yesterday.

10:40am: Since 9am, participants, clad in red, have been gathering at the Sogo shopping complex. There are four Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) enforcement officers in the vicinity whereas Sogo has stationed six security personnel at the main entrance of the mall.

10.25am: In Penang, some 300 people have gathered at the junction of Jalan Siram and Jalan Telaga Air, Butterworth. Carrying placards and MTUC flags, they are chanting 'Long Live Workers'.

10.20am: Penang - Pakatan lawmakers including Penang Deputy CM II P Ramasamy, exco member Lim Hock Seng, Machang Bubuk Adun Lee Khai Loon and Kedah Kota Darulaman Adun Teoh Boon Kok are present to show their support and solidarity.

10.20am: There is a festive air near Masjid Negara as scores of rally participants gather. Participants have been arriving since 5am and there are also shops selling anti-GST merchandise, including red t-shirts.

9.30am: All Road Transport Department (RTD) staff are warned not to participate in the rally.

"If any staff member is found involved in the illegal rally, stern action will be taken  ...," the RTD said in its official Facebook posting at 8.10pm last night.

It also cites the civil service code of conduct.

Despite the RTD's assertions, the rally is not illegal as it is allowed by police under the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012.

The hundreds of comments on the post mostly comprise of those lambasting RTD for being an apple polisher.

"The more you issue those warnings, the more RTD staff will join the rally," one Facebook user said.

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