Friday, May 2, 2014

'The sooner Anwar goes to prison, the better'

Begging to differ with some of Anwar Ibrahim’s sympathisers, Perkasa's Ibrahim Ali said today he can't wait for the opposition leader to be put behind bars over his sodomy conviction.

The president of the Malay-rights NGO said that he was tickled pink to see that some people sympathise with, support or even believe in Anwar, who has been sentenced to a five-year jail term for sodomising his former aid Saiful Bukhari by the Court of Appeal on March 7.

"How about Saiful - does anybody care that he has been done over?

"Having served jail time with him (in 1974 for two years) and as someone who has long known the real Anwar, I am grateful and happy that he will be sentenced for his crime. The sooner the better," Ibrahim said in a press statement.

Anwar’s sentence is currently on hold pending an appeal.

Ibrahim (left) said locking Anwar away was good for the people, the country and for the safety of all concerned because of the former deputy prime minister's troublemaking ways.

He rubbished Anwar's allegations that his second sodomy trial and sentence, which led to his disqualification as a candidate in the Kajang by-election in March, was a political ploy to get rid of him.

"It's the same argument over again.... (Prime Minister) Najib and Rosmah working to send him to prison, he is being persecuted, a second conspiracy, unfair judges and whatever else.

"Any issue, if he can milk it for political gains, he will do it."

Ibrahim insisted that even though Anwar had insulted the court, the government didn't act on it and lamented that the case even drew attention from the United States.

During his recent visit, US President Barack Obama turned down a meeting with Anwar but when asked by the foreign press, responded that this did not mean that the US was not concerned about him.

For Ibrahim, this threatened Malaysia's sovereignty.

"Even with bad morals, he won't give up ambitions to be prime minister. Does Anwar think that Malaysia belongs to him and he can do as he please, as if he is above the law?"

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