Friday, June 27, 2014

Dr Mah's SHOCKING statement: Why should Kor Ming say words like 'DEAD BODY' while visiting Hadi in hospital?

Dr Mah's SHOCKING statement: Why should Kor Ming say words like 'DEAD BODY' while visiting Hadi in hospital?
Perak DAP Chairman Nga Kor Ming had claimed that he had never promoted PAS's welfare state concept, yet he had included the welfare state policy into Pakatan Rakyat's Buku Jingga. This shows that Nga is not walking his talk and is a bad example of how one should be a politician.
Nga is an elected representative, and as such how can he forget what he had said in the State Assembly and in public?  Such attitude to mislead the people is very irresponsible, and I cannot understand how Nga can be "suffering" from selective amnesia.
MCA however had helped to fight for our nation’s independence; we took part in formulating the Federal Constitution to ensure that all national policies are favourable towards diversity. DAP on the other hand has failed to uphold the secularistic and democratic spirit of our nation, and had instead jeopardised the nation in their attempt to undermine the Federal Constitution.
Thanks to DAP?
From the 308 to the 505 GE, DAP's victory has neither seen the establishment of a two-party system nor a strengthening of the Federal Constitution, but instead we have seen PAS leading the nation towards a theocratic state, thanks to DAP.
To prove that Nga is not a coward, I wonder if he had dared to tell PAS President Dato' Seri Abdul Hadi Awang while visiting the latter who was hospitalised in Turkey, that PAS should step over his dead body if it plans to implement hudud law, like what the late Karpal Singh had said.
If Nga cannot stop PAS from creating more religious disputes and polarisation, he should have the courage to take responsibility and quit from politics for the wrong he has committed.
Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon is State Assemblyman for Chenderiang

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