Saturday, June 28, 2014

Gerakan slams Zahid for encouraging cow head attack

Gerakan has hit out at Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for failing to appreciate the sensitivities of Hindus in saying the cow's head attack on Seri Delima rep this morning was deserved.

The party's legal and human rights bureau chief Baljit Singh said that as home minister, Zahid should cultivate peace and harmony instead of encouraging violence.

He reminded Zahid that the victim, RSN Rayer is a practising Hindu like himself (Baljit) and such acts are not only insensitive but mischievous, especially when it is done a day before the Muslim's fasting month.

"The incident touches on religious sensitivities of Hindus. The home minister should be more responsible," Baljit told Malaysiakini.

"He should not be encouraging such animosity between people of different faiths, especially when it is only a day before the fasting month begins," Baljit added.

Baljit was referring to Zahid commenting the act of vandalism at Rayer's home was the "price" the DAP lawmaker had to pay for uttering the words "Umno celaka" at the Penang legislative assembly last month.

[More to follow]

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