Friday, June 27, 2014

Illegal immigrants a time bomb waiting to go off, says Sabah lawmaker

A Sabah lawmaker today warned that the problem of illegal immigrants in Sabah was a time bomb which could have devastating consequences for Malaysia.
Tuaran MP Datuk Seri Wilfred Bumburing said the arrest of a police corporal in Lahad Datu recently on suspicion of involvement in militant activities indicated that illegal immigrants had infiltrated the security forces.
"Police must reveal the background of the police corporal who was arrested," Wilfred said in a statement.
"Genuine Malaysian citizens in the security forces will not compromise the sovereignty of their country, nor will they work with their enemy to attack their own country," Wilfred said.
However, he said the involvement of a police corporal in activities detrimental to national security was only the tip of the iceberg, adding: "The presence of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Sabah poses a great danger to the state."
He warned that there would come a time when the problem of illegal immigrants, like a ticking time bomb, would explode and it would be too late to contain the problem.
Wilfred also urged Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to provide Malaysia with the type of leadership the country needs, otherwise Malaysia was headed for the gutter.

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