Sunday, June 29, 2014

'Liow must release audit on radar system'

Newly-minted Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai has been urged to release the audit on the civil aviation radar system, which may have contributed to the prolonged ongoing search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

PKR vice president Nurul Izzah Anwar (left) said that this is well overdue as shortfalls in the system were highlighted as far back as 2012, more than a year before MH370 disappeared last March.

Referring to an internal document leak which was later verified by the ministry, she recalled how the Subang Airport radar system suffered a total shutdown for two hours, with controls passed to Penang.

“We had then asked for an audit by the International Civil Aviation Organisatin (ICAO)…but to this day, are still waiting to know if the audit were conducted,” she said.

“Would the MH370 have gone missing if the audit was conducted, recommendations for improvement done and a more effective radar system employed?

“Once more, for the sake of the safety of Malaysians and visitors to our country, I urge the minister to investigate the efficacy of our civil aviation radar system,” she said.

Show us KLIA2 audit, too

Similarly, she urged Liow(right) to declassify the audit conducted by ICAO on the safety of new budget carrier terminal KLIA2, following concerns of safety.

ICAO had cleared the airport as safe and it was opened late April.

She also called on a separate independent committee to investigate the MH370 issue, as families of the 239 crew and passengers on board are awaiting answers three months on.

This is on top of the various committee set up by then acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, which as consist of international aviation experts, in search of the missing aircraft.

“I hope for swift action by the new minister, and not for responsibilities to be shirked due to a change of ministers,” she said.

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