Monday, June 30, 2014

Muslim NGO ticks off Zahid for 'un-Islamic' remark

Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s remark that a Hindu assemblyperson deserved to have a bloodied cow head placed at his gate is “unIslamic”, said the Malaysian Muslim Youth Movement (Abim).

In a statement, Abim president Amidi Manan (left) said the act of placing the cow head at Seri Delima assemblyperson RSN Rayer’s house gate is “clearly an insult towards Hindus”.

“His (Zahid’s) response does not reflect Islamic teachings. Islam teaches its followers to respect other religions and speaks against any act of maligning others.

“This is clearly stated in the 108th verse of the An’am chapter of the Quran that it is wrong for Muslims to malign anything which is sacred to other religions as it can cause others to malign Islam,” he said.

By making such comments, he said Zahid was giving a bad impression as a leader in an Islamic country, who does not implement what is taught in the Quran.

“Malaysia’s status as an Islamic nation is not just in word, but should be accompanied by actions, especially when it comes to interfaith matters,” he said.

Zahid, who is also Umno vice-president had said that thecow head placed at Rayer’s (right) home on Saturday morning was the “price (Rayer) had to pay” for calling Umno “celaka” (damned).

Rayer had said that in the Penang legislative assembly, sparking a group to barge into the assembly the next day. There were also noisy protests against DAP in Penang, Pahang andKuala Lumpur.

The group who barged into the assembly were charged with trespass. Rayer was to be charged with sedition on the same day, but it was postponed indefinitely.

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