Tuesday, July 1, 2014

‘Soon criminals may lay claim to the gov’t’

YOURSAY ‘Zahid’s job as HM is to make Malaysians not just safe, but feel safe.’

DAP: Najib should drop Zahid from cabinet

Turvy: If governments can be run any way that catches the fancy of individual ministers, then even criminals may lay a claim to government.

Elected representatives, even if elected on party tickets, must conform to the law, regulations and conventions of a parliamentary system.

The system in which they rise to occupy ministerial positions requires them to take an oath of allegiance to proper government and national interests far and beyond the interests of the party.

By no stretch of the imagination can condoning criminal activities be seen as part of the acceptable role of ministers. Seputeh MP Teresa Kok is right. There is no other alternative for Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi but to quietly leave.

Anonymous_1398660923: Najib can choose not to listen to DAP's suggestion to drop Ahmad Zahid, but any intelligent and rationale PM would have known that his ministers must be rationale, their judgement and utterances must be according to the law and be fair to all the citizens regardless of race or religion.

Anyone who thinks that the PM need not heed the advice of the opposition party despite it is wise is either stupid or plain ignorance, not knowing that PM has the moral duty to ensure that he and his cabinet ministers must consider the well-being of the nation as he and his cabinet's utmost important duty, way above his party's interest.

Aries46: According to Zahid's sense of understanding and rational, the appropriate response for ‘big mouth’ Seri Delima state representative RSN Rayer's “celaka Umno” remark is a cow’s head at his doorstep.

I am curious to know what would be his suggestion for an appropriate response to insults from extremists such as Ibrahim Ali, Zulkifli Noordin, Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman, Perkasa, Isma, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah and the rest of the pack that make a living disparaging and spewing racial slurs on non-Muslims?

Should it be something more revolting than a cow’s head? What could that possibly be?

Casey: Extremism can only flourish in an environment where basic governmental social responsibility for the rule of law and welfare of the people are not observed, especially by the sitting government.

In Boleh-sia, racial and religious extremisms are often incited and fanned by irresponsible, callous and idiotic politicians who holds significant public office. These bigots clearly believed that the end justifies the means.

They do not hesitate to resort to all kinds of wicked or criminal means to stay in power, even if such nefarious acts compromise the very foundation of progress - national unity.

Rick Teo: I agree wholeheartedly that Zahid is a disgrace. How he can become a minister is puzzling. He is unsuitable to hold any cabinet post when he does not even know whether an act is right or wrong.

Najib should immediately remove him or the whole country will be a laughing stock.

I thought Hishammuddin Hussein was a terrible and incompetent home minister but Zahid is worse. Not only is he incompetent, he is just plain stupid and idiotic. Where did this man get his education from?

RZC: There is no transformation agenda or any other agenda but the only agenda is keep Umno in power by all means.

Therefore the home minster will not be dropped because he is needed to keep Umno alive and kicking (although the kicking is always at others and never at themselves).

He is the most irresponsible home minister as the law is thrown out the door and chaos reigns but the powers-that-be are not concerned. But he is not alone. There are all the other Umno ministers who talk rubbish whenever they open their mouth.

Abasir: One may look at all this in one of two ways. Either it is a case of the tail wagging the helpless dog (Najib) or it could well be the other way around with a cowardly Najib orchestrating all the nonsense Malaysians have been made to endure.

If Zahid had indeed violated Umno's standards or rules or spoken out of turn (as former deputy minister P Waythamoorthy was accused of) he should have been told off publicly.

But then, Zahid is not Indian so telling him off through the press is not on. So one will have to conclude that Zahid is doing and saying what any Umno celaka will say or do with impunity and that Najib is fully behind him ... while hiding behind the veil of moderation (as cowards like him usually do).

Meanwhile Umno leaders Khairy Jamaluddin and Saifuddin Abdullah are busy wracking their 'moderate' brains over the possible results of football.

Fair Play: Teresa Kok, get real. Do you honestly believe PM Najib wants to keep him if he has any choice?

Look at it this way, many of the PM's political enemies within his own party are relentlessly after him. At least Zahid is not one of them. In politics, it's better to have an enemy inside pissing out rather than enemy outside pissing in.

Multi Racial: Yes, Zahid has to decide he wants to remain in the government or outside the government. As part of the government, he has to serve the people.
His job as home minister is to make Malaysians not just safe, but feel safe. Right now this is not the case.

Even if he is out of government, as Umno vice-president he cannot say what he likes. It is the job of every leader, be he or she in BN or Pakatan Rakyat, to behave responsibly. They cannot say or do whatever they like.

CHKS: Watch this video - Zahid himself admitted that he "pulang kampung" to Indonesia on Indonesian TV. -Mkini

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