Wednesday, July 2, 2014

'Allah decision devastating blow for Sarawakians'

Sarawakians, especially Christians, are not convinced by the assurance from Chief Minister Adenan Satem that the Federal Court decision to ban the use of the word ‘Allah’ by the Herald will not affect them.

“I do appreciate the words of our chief minister that ‘this will not be a problem for us’, and I commend him for speaking up for Sarawakians,” Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian said.

“I believe he is sincere in his intention to keep his word as long as he is the chief minister.

“But I remain unconvinced that Sarawakians are not affected. There have been incidents in Sarawak, such as the holding up of the Al-Kitab at Kuching Port in 2008 and 2011, and the raids carried out on Christian bookshops in Sarawak by the Islamic authorities.

“Yes, I know these happened before Adenan became the chief mnister. But they took place despite there being no state law in Sarawak that prohibits the use of such words, unlike in other states in Malaysia,” Baru (right) added.

He said Adenan may have the best of intentions, but Sarawakians could not forget that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is the head of Islam in Sabah and Sarawak, by virtue of Article 4A of the Sarawak Constitution.

'They are answerable to the Agong'

The members of Majlis Islam Sarawak and their administrative arm, Jabatan Agama Islam Sarawak (Jais), are appointed by the Agong and are therefore answerable to the Agong, and not to the chief minister, Baru, who is Ba’Kelalan assemblyperson, told a media conference yesterday.

He said Adenan’s position was similar to that of Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, who has no powerover Mais and Jais, which have refused to return the seized Malay and Iban versions of the Bible even though they were advised by the menteri besar to do so.

Mais and Jais are only answerable to the Sultan of Selangor as head of Islam in that state, he said.

 In Sarawak, as stated in Section 3 of the Majlis Islam Sarawak Ordinance 2001, the majlis is set up to ‘aid and advise the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in matters relating to Islam in the state…’

“The members of the majlis are appointed by the Agong on the recommendation of the governor (Section 11) and the power to revoke appointments vests in the Agong (Section 13). The chief minister appears to have no say in the affairs of the majlis and Jais.”

Baru pointed out that the federal Islamic body Jakim, which has branches in Sarawak, is a unit under the Prime Minister’s Department, and presumably, it is answerable to the prime minister and not to the chief minister.

“Sarawakians should bear in mind the fact that the Agong had said in his birthday speech in June this year that several words, including the word ‘Allah’, were the exclusive rights of Muslims.

“Whether he said this in his capacity as the Sultan of Kedah or the Agong is irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that he is the head of Islam in Sarawak,” Baru added.

He also called on the Majlis Islam Sarawak and Jakim heads to make a stand on whether they backed Adenan's statement that Christians are free to use the word ‘Allah’ in Sarawak.

“Will they agree to leave us to read our Al Kitab in peace?”

Baru added: “Sarawakians of all races and religions have been the greatest supporters of the BN over the past decades, but we have not received commensurate support from the BN government.

“The 10-point solution offered to us before the last general election is clearly not worth the paper it is printed on. This political decision of the Federal Court leaves us with little choice but to find a political solution to this farcical situation.

“To my mind, the only solution is a change of the current government, which has failed dismally to protect the rights of Malaysians as enshrined in our constitution.”

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