Monday, July 28, 2014

Heed lessons from tragedies, says Najib

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak tonight called on Muslims in Malaysia to heed the lessons of several tragedies that befell the country lately, and also of the misfortune of the people of Palestine.

Najib said these tests and hurdles which coincidently fell during the month of Ramadan, provided useful lessons on the need for Muslims in the country to build strength and resilience in facing a myriad of challenges.

In fact, it was also important in the effort to make Malaysia a progressive and viable model Islamic nation, he said in his Aidilfitri message broadcast over radio and television.

The prime minister also reminded Muslims on the importance of unity and to always make it a point to strengthen solidarity in the true spirit of Muslim brotherhood.

"Only by doing this will Muslims be respected, and not seen to be weak or easily manipulated by others," he said.

Najib also expressed his gratitude that the Dewan Rakyat unanimously approved a motion on the tragedy that befell Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH17, which was reportedly shot down in troubled eastern Ukraine on July 17, at a special sitting last Wednesday.

"That is a good start for us as Muslims and Malaysians, as we demonstrated cohesiveness and strengthened solidarity as a nation, 1Malaysia," he said.

 The prime minister also urged Muslims to take heed of the efforts made to uphold and enhance Islamic teachings, in line with Islam as the religion of the federation.

He drew attention to the fact that in Malaysia, Islam was practised in the framework of Maqasid Syariah through the approach of 'wasatiyyah' (moderation) which totally rejected extremism and liberalism as they ran contrary to Islamic teachings.

He cited as examples the setting up of the Pilgrims Management and Fund Board (Tabung Haji) and Islamic financial and banking institutions, besides the 'zakat' (tithe) boards in the states as among the measures taken by Malaysia in adhering to Islamic principles.

Important to seek knowledge

Najib, at the same time, stressed on the importance of seeking knowledge, mastering technological skills and innovation apart from being rich in noble values for the advancement of Muslims in the country.

"We see the commitment of the government to undertake reform after reform in upgrading education and human capital so that we can compete with the developed countries.

"Among the qualities of success are diligence, culture of mutual help, wisdom, steadfast practice and devotion. All these values are very important in our efforts to achieve developed nation status by 2020," he said.

 As such, he suggested that all Muslims in the country always strive to transform, ready themselves, look forward and build hope for mutual prosperity.

The prime minister expressed his grief over the fate of those on board Flight MH17 and extended his condolences to their loved ones.

"Of course, I am able to feel and imagine what they would be going through when, upon waking up on the morning of Aidilfitri, their loved ones are not with them.

"As such, exercise great patience and accept the will of God. Surely, many lessons can be learned from this tragic event," he said.

 On behalf of the Malaysian government, Najib also recorded his thanks to world leaders and the world community who extended sympathy and assistance to Malaysia in facing the MH370 and MH17 tragedies.

The prime minister also said that he had never forgotten the sacrifices of the security forces, those who were still on duty in the service of the country and those who had died.

"May God bless them and their families and keep this country peaceful and harmonious forever," he said.

In conjunction with Aidilfitri, he urged all Malaysians to set aside differences and encouraged them to visit one another.

In conclusion, Najib took the opportunity to seek forgiveness for himself, his wife and family members for any oversight, and also prayed for the well-being of Muslims worldwide so that they could celebrate Aidilfitri in happiness with their loved ones.

Be thankful for peace

Meanwhile, Malaysians should be thankful that the country is peaceful and harmonious and they can celebrate Aidilfitri without any fear or concern for their safety, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said today.
He said that as such, on this auspicious day, the people should remember and appreciate the contributions of those who protected the country, maintained peace and thwarted security threats. 

"Our security forces are efficient, dedicated and professional, and are aware of their responsibility. We are able to celebrate Aidilfitri in peace because our security forces are discharging their duty without rest and leave at the borders, at sea and in other places. 

"The government and the people extend our appreciation to the security forces and government officers and staff," he said in his Aidilfitri message.
The deputy prime minister said Muslims in the country should also realise the plight and suffering of fellow Muslims in other countries who were unable to celebrate Aidilfitri in peace. 

- Bernama

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