Sunday, July 27, 2014

Isma accuses Negara-Ku NGOs of promoting sodomy

Right-wing group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) today trained its guns once again on the NGO coalition Negara-Ku, accusing one of the coalition's member groups of "openly promoting" sodomy.

The group that fell under Isma's radar this time is Projek Dialog, a social media forum website, for allegedly sharing a cartoon by artist Kris Wilson on its Facebook page last Friday.

At press time, the posting containing the shared cartoon appears to have been removed from Projek Dialog's Facebookpage.

But this has not stopped Isma central committee member Mohd Hazizi Abd Rahman (left) from dragging various NGOs into the picture.

Hazizi argued that by association, Aliran, Pusat Komas, Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF), and Sisters in Islam (SIS) were also "involved" in the offence "directly or indirectly", because they are "linked to the same network" as Projek Dialog.

"Everyone knows that sodomy is a crime in Malaysia. The act of promoting sodomy is also a crime and can be punished," he claimed.

"These (NGOs) said they are going to defend the constitution, but at the same time they are promoting sodomy, what is this?" he asked.

The cartoon in the style of caricature depicts three men commenting on religion and homosexuality, and depicts them having sex.

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