Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Kiwi Parliament debates diplomat fiasco

New Zealand's august house has entered into the matter of a Malaysian diplomat implicated in the sexual assault of a New Zealand women, with its Labour Foreign Affairs spokesperson David Shearer calling for an urgent debate.

Shearer, as reported by TVNZ, has questioned Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully over the ministry's handling of the issue, stating the victim has been denied justice as the accused has returned to Malaysia.

McCully admitted to the legislature that there were several shortcomings in the case.

"It is something that is not denied by members of this side of the House," McCully reportedly said.

Armed Forces officer Muhammad Rizalman Ismail, attached with the Malaysian High Commission in Wellington, was in May charged for burglary and assault with the intent to rape a 21-year-old women in her home in Wellington.

However, it was later disclosed that the accused was repatriatedto Malaysia following informal discussions between the two governments and he is being investigated by the Malaysian military.

The New Zealand Foreign Affairs Ministry had just now apologised to the government over the manner it handled the diplomatic immunity case.

[More to follow]

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