Sunday, July 27, 2014

MALAYSIA NO LONGER A DEMOCRACY: Under Umno or PAS, Islamization will bring nation's DESTRUCTION

M'SIA NO LONGER A DEMOCRACY: Under Umno or PAS, Islamization will bring nation's DESTRUCTION
What is spewing now is that Malaysia is not an Islamic state, neither is it a secular state but a state where Islam is the official religion. This is what Islamic supremacists, Parti PAS, is saying.
What does Malay supremacists UMNO have to say, Islam is the official religion and Malaysia is an Islamic state although nowhere in the Federal Constitution drawn up by the founding fathers of the nation is there an idea, implied or otherwise, that the nation is an Islamic state.
Obviously the ground on this stance is shifting and it looks inevitable that in a matter of years the possibility of Malaysia becoming a true blue Islamic state is very evident.
All the tell-tale signs are there. There is a growing clamour by Malay-Muslim supremacists to usurp the Federal Constitution and unwittingly damn Malaysia as the latest Islamic rogue state.
Already, within the international community, Malaysia is being mentioned and grouped along with countries like Pakistan and Iran.
What Malaysians perceive is that in a matter of years this country will turn full scale into a Taliban-style country creating oppression and tyranny all because it is to the benefit of a group of people who are hell bent on going Islamic all the way.
The writing is on the wall and Malaysians of all walks of life (including Malay's) should read the signs carefully and avert disaster.
If Malaysia turns Islamic it will be a great disaster and a sign that the country has given in to radicals and extremists who are just concerned with promoting fanaticism and spew the seeds of a certain prevailing madness among the Malaysian masses.
Will Malaysia turn into a Taliban state?
While it is going to be a grievous concern of the people as to what kind of Islamic state Malaysia can turn into, the possibility of it promoting militancy and oppressing women and children will be the most obvious factor to be worried and concerned.
An Islamic state will have to have a theocratic government overseeing the country. This council of ulama's will spell out laws and decrees in accordance with Quranic teachings and beliefs.
Since the Quran was written in times immemorial the big question of whether its practices are still relevant or obsolete is the big question.
There will be no question that "hudud" will be in force and civil law and courts abolished to be replaced by the Syariah courts and lawyers.
This means Malaysia as an Islamic state will be witness to brutal public flogging and the amputation of hands as decreed by these Syariah courts.
The spectre that is set to unfold is most inhumane justice and a certain perversion of life and the sanctity of it. Instead of affirming life, life will be negated and reduce to a meaningless existence for many, a drudgery void of progress and advancement.
Woman will be treated as inferior beings and they will have to be covered up from head to toe in public and be disallowed to fraternize and mix freely with the opposite sex.
Worse still is that they will be denied a real education and be confined to submitting to men in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and be fully brainwashed in "madrasah's" that cater to them.
The oppression and tyranny on women and children is set to witness them suffer and be denied their human rights and civil liberties in an effort to make them submit to men as the superior force.
Need more be said of the ugly scenarios that will unfold. Perhaps to some, especially to the uninitiated, all this is scare-mongering and to paint an Islamic state as horrible and terrible.
This is really the tip of the ugly iceberg of Islamisation which spews and witnesses foment as underlined by Mahathir Mohammad himself in his blog that there is no stable Islamic nation on earth today.
Not only instability is the result of going Islamic but also there is no peaceful Islamic nation as in every Islamic state there are wars and fighting and tension and hostility.
Instead as we picture the globe it is really democratic countries, the ones that practice true-blue democracy, that are peaceful advanced and progressive such as Western nations.
This is the stark contrasts between Islamic theocratic governments and Western democracy.
In Western democracies there is meaning and purpose in life while in Islamic states it is in a state of unrest, unsettled and suffering from a great plunging darkness that oppresses.
Malaysians should look before they leap
The exercise of trying to convert Malaysia from a democracy as agreed upon by the founding fathers of the nation into an Islamic state should be really given the boot. The very idea is revolting.
It is hard to believe that decent, right thinking and educated Muslims would want to fritter away life into a state of meaningless stupor just because of the religious hype.
While Muslims are respectfully allowed to practice Islam in this country, the idea of an Islamic state is a wholly different ball game and if Malaysian Muslims have their head on their shoulders and their thinking caps on they will resist every attempt to try and make a country like Malaysia go to the dogs.
While religion is a matter of personal belief, using religion to govern the nation is unpalatable and totally unacceptable. Even the idea of a Christian or Buddhist or Hindu state doesn't appeal.
While Malaysians should look before they leap, the astounding fact that certain lunatic fringe groups are allowed to bandy and highlight the issue of Malaysia becoming an Islamic state is really troubling to the minds and hearts of many Malaysians.
There is a need for Malaysian political leaders to affirm democracy and confirm that Malaysia is not and never will be an Islamic state.
This is important. The Barisan Nasional (BN) government if they hope to see Malaysia become a developed nation need to affirm and confirm to everyone in the world that Malaysia is a democracy and not an Islamic state.
Only by going to the ground can Malaysia attract investors and investments and tourists and a high quality and highly skilled workforce to move the nation ahead.
Already these are troubling times and the country does not need the upheaval and turbulence or the fright of having to put up with a nationwide Islamisation exercise.
Malaysians must be free. They must be given the freedom to choose the faith that they wish to profess and belief in and the state should have no say in the matter.
The practice and selection of a faith is a personal choice upon which no one, particularly the state, should have a say.
There must be complete freedom to worship and complete freedom of expression in keeping with the tenets and obligations of democracy.
Civil liberties must be in existence in full and there must not be an attempt, overt or covert, to try and oppress Malaysians.
If Malaysia is to be a peaceful and progressive nation there must be mutual respect for everyone to practice their faith and beliefs and there must be tolerance and inter-faith understanding.
Instead of harping and highlighting always on a particular religion, there is a need to have a broad understanding of each others faith and a need to promote peace and goodwill among all men.
There must be that universal good as espoused by democracy that must be evident and come to the forefront for Malaysia to be truly a part of the Global Movement of Moderates and to shun extremism and fanaticism in whatever form.
The push and practise of moderation
Only the push for the practice of moderation will ensure that Malaysia gets ahead in this world. The need to focus on the goodness of life and a Quality-of-Life where people work hard and true to be fulfilled and live meaningful and satisfied lives is important.
This is something for the BN government to highlight as its agenda, the promotion of egalitarian values whereby fair play, justice and meritocracy is in place for all Malaysians.
This is the way forward. By doing away and eradicating racism and bigotry, by pushing for a standard of values that is acceptable and fair to all, Malaysia can go far towards being a Great Nation.
By shedding fears and insecurities, by building the confidence and faith and trust of the people in the government and nation, Malaysia will be able to make a quantum leap into the advanced and developed era as a nation.
But by opting to pursue hare-brained schemes, scams and ideas, it is only a matter of time for the demise of the nation to take place.
Malaysians are therefore advised to think and to think carefully and wisely over the direction and future shape of this country and to ensure that they make the right choices and decisions for generations to enjoy and prosper.
They should not leave it to linger or fester but make a clear and conscientious decision to think of the good and betterment of every Malaysian or sink into the abyss of gloom as an Islamic state forever. - Malaysia Chronicle

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