Sunday, July 27, 2014

Subra, Malaysia is one big rubbish dump

YOURSAY 'This MIC leader is trying to play politics instead of trying to solve the problem. Dengue is on the rise all over Malaysia.'

Health minister rubbishes Selangor leadership

Jratnam: I have to agree with Health Minister S Subramaniam. The Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) too is really useless. The roads are in bad shape and are getting worse. The PJ Sentral development around PJ Hilton is causing such a mess to the surrounding areas and nothing is being done about it.

MBPJ is totally incompetent. Dengue is rampant in PJ, including my area Section 12. Our Bukit Gasing rep Rajiv Rishyakaran, what are you doing about it?

Hearty Malaysian: Much as I do not like the BN government due to its corrupt politicians and race-based policies, I must agree that Subramaniam is right in saying Pakatan has done a lousy job of keeping the state clean enough for healthy living.

We have not seen progressive improvement of basic services to keep the roan well paved, drainage cleared to avoid floods, street lamps well lit instead of non-functioning. Town councils are ineffective, and Shah Alam is especially a shame.

Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim has failed badly to provide the basic services to us and meanwhile PKR continues to fight instead of removing him. PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim is an ineffective leader and Khalid. Ibrahim is acting like another Umno warlord, that much I am getting convinced.

So, improve, change, Pakatan, or else you will lose Selangor to Umno even though we hate them.

Oh Ya?: Subra is right. Rubbish is all over the place: markets, eateries, housing estates and drains are filled with stagnant water. The state government is so proud of its cost savings but it is actually at the expenses of reduced services, hence today's problems.

It is now into its second term and therefore there are no excuses for doing worse than the predecessors.

Optimist: Come around Subang Jaya and you will get a first hand view of the lack of attention by the municipality to cleanliness. The roads are a mess. The restaurants are unclean. Strict professionalism and enforcement is lacking. The latter has been the bane of this country.

Ecurb: To a certain extent, I do agree that many areas in Selangor are like rubbish dump areas. Bukit Berlimbing (Belakong areas) and Section 15 Shah Alam food court/hawker centre is another example.

It is very badly managed and very very smelly, and it is a hawker/food court area. The hawker area in Section 15 is really an unhealthy place to eat. And it's never been upgraded since 20 years ago.

Aries46: Matters have gone out of hand and Subramaniam's alert is timely. This is a public health and environmental issue and not something to be politicised as to whether Pakatan or BN is at the helm.

In the Puchong area most of the roads are filled with potholes and patch work that takes a heavy toll on motorists. Rubbish is strewn all over roadsides and drains in shopping and housing areas.

In Taman Kinara shops, drains are clogged and stinking. Rubbish, drains and infrastructure maintenance has gone from bad to worse since Pakatan's second term in Selangor.

The only visible changes at local council levels are more hidden and insidious manner of corruption in contracted services. Contracts are given out but there is barely any sign of workers to be seen in town and housing areas.

Supervision from the local councils is nil. Elected reps and councillors who are responsible for overall supervision are never heard of and must be held accountable for such a state of affairs.

Just spraying dengue repellent is not the answer.

Drngsc: What Subra has pointed out may be true. The Selangor state government should look into it. But similarly, Subra must also take a look at his own constituency in Segamat. It may be just as bad. Please kettle, do not call the pot black. We must all buck up to control this dengue mess.

NNFC: On one hand, it is true, we have a country with a rubbish problem. Kuala Lumpur is also full of rubbish, so is Selangor.

Avatar 111: This health minister is making a political statement. The whole country is faced with rubbish problems, but of course Selangor and KL have the most because they are the most populated states.

Pisasu 7: Subra, you should have come when Umno's Mohd Khir Toyo was MB, come to Klang especially Jalan Tengku Kelana which was like sewage plant. It's now much better now than in Khir Toyo's days, but it could improve further  if Khalid doesn't keep the money like a miser.

Subramaniam should go back to his own state; Johor Bahru for example is more filthy...

Anonymous #22175361: Subra, you need to understand that it was much worse during Khir Toyo days, and in order to keep their jobs (those in the city and town councils), of which majority are pro‑BN people... (what would one expect?). So don't talk nonsense.

Anonymous #22175361: Subramaniam, the burning in Johan Setia area, who's behind it? It's a political ploy to force Pakatan out from Selangor by showing they are not doing their job, by whom? Pro‑BN/Umno residents? Just another of the dirty political activities behind the scene.

Pputeh: Minister, please don't blow the trumpet for BN. Come to Perak (Ipoh) which is controlled by BN and see for yourself. Especially take a walk along the back roads (maybe you can bring the datuk bandar along) in Pasir Puteh and see for yourself heaps of rubbish all over. When are you coming?

Lim Chong Leong: Is it not the Health Ministry's job to keep the people healthy? So rather than blaming it on the state, can he not do something proactive like propose a comprehensive solution via cooperation between the federal and state governments to curb the health issue?

This federal minister instead of doing his job, instead takes on the role of state opposition leader to criticise the state government. What a shame that ministers who cannot perform their role take on the role of someone else.

Anonymous_3e06: What about dengue on the rise in Ipoh, can we blame BN? This MIC leader is trying to play politics instead of trying to solve the problem. Dengue is on the rise all over Malaysia. Get your facts from your Health Ministry

Lone_Star: Health is a federal matter. And the one who should ensure we are in good health is the federal minister occupying the Ministry of Health (MOH). So if the health of the nation is going to the dogs and the whole nation is like one huge rubbish bin, you need not look further for the one responsible; go look into your mirror.

Anonymous5: You are the health minister. The buck stops with you! What's your guy, the director of disease control, and the vector unit managers doing? They have been doing the job for years and still cannot put some measure of control on the situation year after year?

If the people responsible for dengue at MOH HQ cannot steer and control the operation at the MOH state and district levels, then get the hell out and let someone else do the job!

Mushiro: It is a fact that dengue is on the rise throughout Malaysia the last two years and the MOH has lost control. And Subramaniam has got slant eyes to blame Selangor. He wants us to believe that this is not about politics.

Yes it is not about politics, but it is about the inefficiencies and failures of MOH.

CiViC: If only ministers would stop behaving like politicians. They always forget they are here to serve the people. Regardless if it is Selangor or Perak or Pahang or Penang, any minister has responsibility and accountability of any issues under the purview of his/her ministry.

Don't just point fingers because it is an opposition-run state, the Health Ministry is equally responsible.

Abasir: I agree with Subra wholeheartedly, but that in no way means Umno and its minions will do any better governing Selangor. -Mkini

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